SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Dramatist)

Autograph Open Letter Signed to the “Electors of Stafford” “residing in or near London and entitled to vote at the Stafford Election. Gentlemen, A Report was most insidiously and falsely circulated at Stafford that my son did not mean to propose himself to succeed me as the Representative of your ancient Borough, which I have had the honor to represent for twenty six years and that I wish’d to support a gentlemen of the name of Mansel Philllip. in consequence of this fraud I understand that a great advantage has been taken... I assure you that my son is in Stafford, and canvassing against Mr Mansel Phillip with whom we have no connexion...”, 1 side 4to., no place, no date but

Sheridan was an Anglo-Irish playwright, writer and Whig politician who sat in the British House of Commons from 1780 to 1812, representing the constituencies of Stafford, Westminster and Ilchester. The owner of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane in London, he wrote several prominent plays such as The Rivals (1775), The Duenna (1775), The School for Scandal (1777) and A Trip to Scarborough (1777), along with serving as Treasurer of the Navy from 1806 to 1807. He held the posts of Receiver-General of the Duchy of Cornwall (1804–1807) and Treasurer of the Navy (1806–1807). Sheridan was noted for his close political relationship with the Prince of Wales, leading a faction of his supporters in the Commons. By 1805 when the Prince was cooling on his previous support of Catholic Emancipation Sheridan, George Tierney and others announced their own opposition to it. After his death in 1816, Sheridan was buried at Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey, and his plays remain a central part of the Western canon and are regularly performed around the world.

Item Date:  1806

Stock No:  42372      £575

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