ALLENBY (Edmund, Viscount, 1861-1936, Field Marshal, High Commissioner of Egypt, 1919-1925)

Autograph Letter Signed ‘Edmund Allenby’ to an unnamed correspondent thanking him for his letter and saying that he is arranging for his bank to “pay the £400 from Miss Arnold into your bank - Messrs William Deacon & Sons & to the account of the Syria & Palestine Relief Fund. I have written a letter of thanks to Miss Arnold...”, 2 sides 8vo., The Residency, Cairo headed paper, 21st May

His appointment in 1919 as Special High Commissioner of Egypt came as the country was being disrupted by demonstrations against British rule. It had been under Martial Law since 1914 and several Egyptian leaders, including Saad Zaghlul, had been exiled to Malta. These deportations had led to rioting across the country, with Cairo isolated. Allenby's first response was conciliatory. He persuaded the Colonial Office to allow Zaghlul and his delegation, from the Wafd, to travel to France. Their intention was to present the Egyptian case to the Paris Peace Conference but they received no official recognition and returned to Egypt in failure.

Item Date:  1919

Stock No:  42392      £225

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