CHARLES X ANNOUNCES THE DEATH OF HIS OLDER BROTHER KING LOUIS XVIII CHARLES X (Philippe, Count of Artois, 1757-1836, King of France and Navarre, the Last King of France to be crowned at Rheims, May 1825, Leader of the Emigrés)

Fine Letter Signed, in French with translation, addressed “To my Brother and Cousin The King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies” saying that “it is with the deepest sorrow that I announce to Your Majesty the loss of the King, my beloved and most honoured Lord and Brother, who died in the morning of the 16th of this month, at 4. The feelings of pity which so particularly distinguished the august head of our house gave him the courage to bear with calm and resignation until his last moments the sufferings he had felt for so long. Your Majesty, who knew his eminent virtues and the tender affection he had for all the members of his family, can appreciate the just regrets that such a fatal event causes me. The attachment that Your Majesty has always shown me and the blood ties that unite us give me the confidence that I will find in Her heart the consolation that mine needs and that She will share my deep pain. I make wishes that divine providence may remove from your Majesty’s family anything which could afflict Him and these wishes are as sincere as the assurances of the high esteem and inviolable friendship with which I am held...”, 1 side 4to., on mourning paper, St Cloud, 20th September

He was an uncle of the uncrowned Louis XVII and younger brother to reigning kings Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, he supported the latter in exile. After the Bourbon Restoration in 1814, Charles (as heir-presumptive) became the leader of the ultra-royalists, a radical monarchist faction within the French court that affirmed absolute monarchy by divine right and opposed the constitutional monarchy concessions towards liberals and the guarantees of civil liberties granted by the Charter of 1814.
Charles' brother King Louis XVIII's health had been worsening since the beginning of 1824. Having both dry and wet gangrene in his legs and spine, he died on 16th September of that year, aged almost 69. Charles, by now aged 66, succeeded him to the throne as King Charles X. On 29th May 1825, King Charles was anointed at the cathedral of Reims, the traditional site of consecration of French kings.
A Monsieur mon Frère et Cousin Le Roi du Royaume des Deux Siciles Monsieur mon Frère et Cousin, C’est avec la plus profonde affliction que j’annonce à Votre Majesté la perte du Roi mon bien aimé et très honoré Seigneur et Frère, décédé le 16 du présent mois, à 4 heures du matin. Les sentiments de pitié qui distinguaient si particulièrement l’auguste chef de notre maison lui ont donné le courage de supporter avec calme et résignation jusque dans ses derniers moments les souffrances qu’il ressentait depuis si longtemps. Votre Majesté qui a connu ses éminentes vertus et la tendre affection qu’il portait à tous les membres de sa famille, peut apprécier les justes regrets que me cause un si funeste événement. L’attachement que Votre Majesté m’a toujours montré et les liens du sang qui nous unissent, me donnent la confiance que je trouverai dans son cœur les consolations dont le mien a besoin etqu’Elle partagera ma vive douleur. Je fais des vœux pour que la divine providence écarte de la famille de Votre Majesté tout ce qui pourrait l’affliger et ces vœux sont aussi sincères que les assurances de la haute estime et de l’inviolable amitié avec laquelle je suis, Monsieur mon Frère et Cousin, de Votre Majesté, Saint-Cloud, le 20 Septembre 1824 Bon Frère et Cousin Charles
To my Brother and Cousin The King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. My Brother and Cousin, It is with the deepest sorrow that I announce to Your Majesty the loss of the King, my beloved and most honoured Lord and Brother, who died in the morning of the 16th of this month, at 4. The feelings of pity which so particularly distinguished the august head of our house gave him the courage to bear with calm and resignation until his last moments the sufferings he had felt for so long. Your Majesty, who knew his eminent virtues and the tender affection he had for all the members of his family, can appreciate the just regrets that such a fatal event causes me. The attachment that Your Majesty has always shown me and the blood ties that unite us give me the confidence that I will find in Her heart the consolation that mine needs and that She will share my deep pain. I make wishes that divine providence may remove from your Majesty’s family anything which could afflict Him and these wishes are as sincere as the assurances of the high esteem and inviolable friendship with which I am held, My Brother and Cousin, of your Majesty, Saint-Cloud, September 20, 1824 Good Brother and Cousin. Charles

Item Date:  1824

Stock No:  42421      £775

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