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(Sir John, 1761-1809, Lieutenant General, killed at Coruña)
Important long Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Dear Major’
saying that “in answer to my application to Sir James Stuart respecting the account of expences incurred for the Artillery Horses etc attached to your Rgt. He has desired the Col. Genl to inform me that he believes the account should be settled by the Regimental Paymaster, with the Paymaster of the Ordnance. I therefore enclose you the account and recommend to you to send it to Lord Westmeath - who being upon the spot will probably be able to get it paid & to inform you of the mode to be followed in future. My report respecting the clothing for the Drivers - and for the Artillery men, has been forwarded to the Adjutant Genl and is to I dare say be attended to...”, the next part is preceded with the word “
. The accounts from Dublin are good - all is quiet there & in the North. The South is perfectly so - in short the disturbances seem confined to the Counties immediately around Dublin. The insurgents have been beaten wherever they have been met - numbers of them killed with little or no loss on our part. The yeomanry have shown great spirit. I must repeat to you however that tho’ I trust our district will be tranquil - we must not allow ourselves to be lulled into security, every vigilance and attentino is necessary. Whilst any part of the County is disturbed, it is impossible not to apprehend some foreign landing. I have begged both of Capt. Saml Townsend & Sir John Filke to write to confidential people, living upon the coast, to be watchful - but to be so, without showing too much that they are so - during these disturbances a small force might perhaps be risked in shore - & tho’ Baltimore, Castle Haven etc etc are not Ports to receive large Armaments - they would answer extremely well to throw ashore 5 or 6,000 men. Do not therefore lose sight of this - your game in such case would be, after sending information to Bantry - Dunmanway, Clonakilty & Bander - to oppose if in time - The landings - but not so as to commit yourself to be beat - retiring upon Clonakilty or Dunmanway - taking care above all - that your communication with Bander is not cut off. In case of insurrection - without landing - i should continue with the force you have, you would be able to beat anything that could offer. If you are in doubt you must either send to Clonakilty for reinforcement or retire upon it, but never retire without giving notice to Bantry & Dunmanway - make it a rule not to allow yourself to be attacked - but be the attacker and always endeavour to employ part of your force to turn the Enemy’s flank - whilst with the rest you attack in front - be particularly careful that your men are at all times ready to move in the shortest notice - employ them during the day at Exercise - but do not fatigue them with too much duty...” with a final page in postscript enclosing “a notice - which I believe to be necessary in our present situation - be so good first to approach the Principal Inhabitants - read it to them and ask their assistance in distributing it, & communicating - explain to them that it is meant to construe it liberally - to ensure good order & not inconvenience materially, or vex the sober & discreet. The patrols may, if necessary, be directed to take notice of Soldiers only - until ten - & then not to molest decent inhabitants who will evidently retire quietly to their houses - or going about their necessary business - neither must carriers who frequently travel at night, be molested - but with respect to whiskey shops & idle young men - too much strictness cannot be observed and a Clerk can make such copies as you require to distribute thru’ the County...”, 6 sides 4to.,, Banden, 30th May
In 1798, Moore was made Major-General and served in the suppression of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. His personal intervention was credited with turning the tide at the Battle of Foulksmills on 20th June and he regained control of Wexford town before General Gerard Lake could, thereby possibly preventing its sacking.
The Irish Rebellion of 1798 was a popular insurrection against the British Crown in what was then the separate, but subordinate, Kingdom of Ireland. The main organising force was the Society of United Irishmen. First formed in Belfast by Presbyterians opposed to the landed Anglican establishment, the Society, despairing of reform, sought to secure a republic through a revolutionary union with the country's Catholic majority. The grievances of a rack-rented tenantry drove recruitment. In the wake of the rebellion, Acts of Union abolished the Irish legislature and brought Ireland under the crown of a United Kingdom through the Parliament at Westminster.
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