COBDEN (Sir Richard, 1804-1865, Radical and Liberal Politician, Campaigner for Free Trade and Peace, Associate of the Anti-Corn Law League and the Cobden-Chealier Treaty)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Owen, saying that he is “afraid you have overrated my ability, though certainly not my desire, to gratify your wishes with reference to the House of Commons. Members of Parliament have the privilege of giving one order only each evening for the admission of a gentleman to the stranger’s gallery. But we have no right to give a similar order for ladies. There is a ladies gallery holding 21 only, for which it is necessary to book plans in the list kept by the Sergeant at Arms, but it is generally fully bespoke for a week in advance & it is not easy to secure more than two seats in one name for the same evening. As I did not know how long you intend to remain in London it is not in my power to say whether I can obtain the admission you seek - but if Mr Atwood or yourself & sisters will honor me with a call at my lodgings 38 Lower Grosvenor St any morning... I will do my best to carry out your wishes...”, 3 sides 8vo., Midhurst, 20th May

Cobden was an English manufacturer and Radical and Liberal statesman, associated with two major free trade campaigns, the Anti-Corn Law League and the Cobden–Chevalier Treaty. In 1838, he and John Bright founded the Anti-Corn Law League, aimed at abolishing the unpopular Corn Laws, which protected landowners’ interests by levying taxes on imported wheat, thus raising the price of bread at a time when factory-owners were trying to cut wages.

Item Date:  1855

Stock No:  42827      £245

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