ALTIERI (Ludovico, 1805-1867, Cardinal, Governor of Rome, Prefect of the Congregation of the Index, Chancellor of Rome University)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed in Italian, with translation, to his nephew, (the Count di Colloredo), thanking him on behalf of Professor Gonzi ("the famous Mineralogist and Geologist, director of the Museum") and himself for the "most beautiful and rare exhibit your exquisite fossil from the Karst will make in the Geological-Mineralogical Museum of the University of Rome ... a notable addition to the extensive and deservedly admired collection which has grown so remarkably during Pius IX's reign ..." also thanking him for "the lead seals found in Aquileia, one of which deserves a special place in my collection ..." and for "the kind letter ... from the respected Vicar of Recanati, who has suffered so much for the church, especially in exile ... The good people of Recanati, and indeed the not-so-good Loretonians, ought to tell themselves how fortunate they are to have as Pastor the good Mgr. Galuzzi ...", 2 sides 4to., Rome, 3rd July

Altieri was one of the triumvirate who restored order to Rome after the revolution of 1849 and he was made Governor. Soon after writing this letter he died of cholera while helping to relieve the epidemic in his diocese of Albano. At Loreto, near Recanati, is the 'Holy House', miraculously transported from Nazareth.

Item Date:  1867

Stock No:  4611      £175

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