SIMMS (Henrietta, Actress)

Agitated Autograph Letter Signed to Benjamin Webster, 1797-1882, the comedy actor, manager and dramatist, asking him "to excuse the theatrical medium of my address but ... I cannot forbear writing to you. I hear you play 'One Touch of Nature' on Saturday and I have just a desire that you do it with your own exquisite skill ... and another reason for writing to you ... I am in a desperately unhappy frame of mind and were you here I should rush up to you only for a kind pressure of the hand now your Scarbro trip prevents that - Do you intend making a longer stay than your previous resolve - I shall wander up to your Castle here and ... be reminded you have exchanged your 'Constance' alias Henrietta Simms", 4 sides 8vo., T[heatre] R[oyal] H[aymarket], 'Rehearsal Time Friday' no date, c.

Item Date:  1850

Stock No:  50608      £55

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