KIRKLINTON (North of Carlisle, Cumbria)

Archive of deeds relating to a group of freehold farm properties in Kirklinton parish (also known as St. Cuthbert's) over nearly a century, mostly enclosed but stretching up to unenclosed pasture and part of Hunlow Moss, with other documents including interesting particulars of auction, on two of which are marked the successive bids and bidders, solicitors' receipts, two probate wills, a blacksmith's account for over three years, and a map of the Dalston Hall estate (SW of Carlisle) in sale lots c. 1920, 13 on vellum and 20 on paper, together 33 items, 1779-1865, 1885 and c. in good condition apart from some spotting and a few paper tears

The properties are:
A. Dikeside. In 1779 William Dodgson, husbandman, bought a cottage and half an acre from John Story of Hethersgill, schoolmaster, and Sarah his wife, and from them and their relatives a few acres, a share of Hunlow Moss and the right to take stone from Holeshield Rigg. In 1786 Dodgson took out a loan on Dikeside and extended it with 24 acres at Ryehill and further moss. Sold in 1850 by Robert Dodgson with William Hope as sitting tenant.
B. Greystone. 23 acres, with moss at Hunlow and Leaps Flow, and stone from Holeshield Rigg. Bought in 1787 by Joseph and Sarah Irwin (later spelt Irving).
C. In Brownrigg townfields, near Red House, a small triangle of pasture (1 acre 1 rood 25 perches) on the road from Longtown to Brampton, at Smithfield. Richard Elliott bought it in 1802, mortgaging it in 1803 to William Dodgson, who sold it to George Hope in 1809.
D. In Brownrigg townfields, 3 acres 1 rood of pasture. Bought in 1803 by Richard Baty of Red House, blacksmith.
E. In Smithfield, a group of artisans' dwellings, built on William Hope's half share of C.
F. Two fields at Lyne Cottage and property at Snugg. Leased by William Baty in 1854.
The deeds chart the fortunes of the above properties. Several times mortgages were raised on them, but only William Dodgson was able to redeem his. He died in 1840, having made over Dikeside in 1820 to his son Robert William, a chemist in Wigton, subject to his life interest.
B passed in 1824 to Messrs Forster, bankers of Carlisle, who themselves went bankrupt in 1837.
Cottages were built on C for sons John and William Hope, who made a formal division in 1831.
E, the five Smithfield houses, were mortgaged in December 1851 by William Hope to Margaret McConnell of Carlisle for £200, and the policy she took out with Norwich Fire Insurance is of the greatest interest. It describes the various classes of property they insure, and the uses to which they may be put (e.g. no joiner's work in the joiner's dwelling house).
William Hope must have kept up the interest payments, at least till 1858, when Margaret's surviving heir sold E to John Norman, solicitor in Carlisle, and Thomas Nanson, still subject to the mortgage. And in 1865, Norman and Nanson sold E to Thomas Baty for only £152, with the mortgage apparently still in force. Messrs Norman provide a very informative abstract of title, going back to 1809, on 11 large folios. Of the four deeds abstracted, two are in the present archive.
F is one of three properties leased by William Baty in 1854, the others being A and B.
When Robert Dodgson sold Dikeside in 1850, the bidding started at £300. Elizabeth, Robert's sister, came in from £410 to £485, then W. Graham at £600, with whom William Baty of Red House alternated till successful at £700. He seems to have been bidding for Thomas Baty of London, as Thomas leased Dikeside to William Baty in 1854, apparently when William Hope's tenancy ran out.
Both the wills have Quaker features. In David Armstrong of Morland's, (1802, executor William Dodgson), a legatee disputing the will is to be disbarred. Both his and William Dodgson's are proved by solemn affirmation, not oath.
The bill of 1885 by blacksmith John Holliday for the late William Baty of Dikeside shows that Holliday was also a vet. He deducts 6s for "two old cart hoops" and £9 for 3 years' rent.
Several people write their 'mark', including the wife of schoolmaster John Story, and the Irwins or Irvings.
Although the properties are freehold, quit rents are due for some to the Manor of Kirklinton - for Dikeside, 6d per annum. In these cases the Dacres, Lords of the Manor, give their approval when the freehold changes hands. In one solicitor's bill, to Thomas B(e)aty in 1850, the cost of "stamps and parchment" far exceeds that of the legal work done. And in the earlier deeds, on the day before the transfer, the new owner rents the property for 1 year at a nominal rent, to comply with the statute "for converting Uses to Possession".
With a Checklist of all the items.

1. 14th July 1779. Consent of Lord of Manor to 2. below.
2. 14th July 1779. Sale of Dikeside and other small property to William Dodgson, for £64 5s. - original nucleus of A.
3. 2nd February 1786. Bond for £150 secured on Dikeside.
4. 25th February 1786. Sale to William Dodgson of 24 acres at Ryehill and share of Hunlow Moss for £150 - completing A.
5. 26th January 1787. Lease to Joseph and Sarah Irwin of Hetherside, of 23 acres bounded by the Brampton road, for 1 year at 5s. p.a. - B.
6. 27th January 1787. Freehold sale of B as in 5. for £150.
7. 17th April 1802. Probate at Carlisle, with diocesan papered seal, of Will of David Armstrong of Morland, William Dodgson executor.
8. 30th September 1802. Sale of C to Richard Elliott for £10.
9. 9th April 1803. Mortgage of C and cottage lately built to William Dodgson for £20.
10. 14th May 1803. Sale of D to Richard Baty of Red House, blacksmith, for £45.
11. 22nd May 1809. Sale of C by William Dodgson to George Hope, free of encumbrances, for £140.
12. 19th April 1816. Mortgage of B by Joseph Irving and Joseph Irving junior to Messrs Forster for £300.
13. 25th November 1820. Conveyance of A by William Dodgson to 3rd son Robert William Dodgson for 10s. retaining life interest.
14. 8th February 1822. Lease of B by Joseph and Sarah Irving to Messrs Forster for 1 year at 1 peppercorn.
15. 9th February 1822. Conditional sale (mortgage) of B to Messrs Forster for £400.
16. 9th February 1822. Proclamation at Court of Common Pleas of sale of B.
17. 19th February 1831. Partition of C (with diagram) between John and William Hope on death of mother, William paying John £45.
18. 30th June 1837. Sale of B by assignees of Messrs Forster, bankrupts, to John Baty for £400 by private contract, following final bid at auction of £365.
19. 9th January 1841. Probate to Elizabeth Dodgson and Mrs Ann Saul, daughters, of William Dodgson's will (d. 15th July 1840).
20. 9th January 1841. Probate copy of William Dodgson's will of 20th May 1834, with codicil 8th April 1836.
21. 8th March 1841. Assignment of estate of Joseph Irving, victualler of Liverpool, in prison for debt, to William Stordy in trust for creditors.
22. 2nd June 1841. Legacy receipt by Elizabeth Dodgson for £130 from father, on official printed form.
23. 2nd January 1850. Auction of A, in occupation of William Hope, by Robert Dodgson to William Baty of Red House for £700.
24. 2nd February 1850. Account of S. & J. Saul, solicitors, to Thomas Baty for a conveyance by Richard Dodgson.
25. 8th February 1851. Receipt by Manor of Kirklinton for charges re sale Dodgson to Baty.
26. 5th June 1852. Norwich Fire Insurance Policy for E to Margaret McConnell of Carlisle for £200, endorsed 8th May 1858 as vested in John Norman and Thomas Nanson.
27. 1st February 1854. Lease of A by Thomas Baty of London to William Baty of Dikeside, farmer, for 10 years at £30 p.a..
28. 1st February 1854. Lease of B by John Baty to William Baty for 10 years at £15 p.a..
29. 1st February 1854. Lease of F by Joseph Holmes to William Baty for 10 years at £85 p.a..
30. 22nd June 1865. Sale of E, subject to the continuing terms of the mortgage on E, by private contract following announcement of auction, by John Norman and Thomas Nanson to Thomas Baty of Dikeside, for £152.
31. June / July 1865. Abstract of the vendors' title to E and of the power in the mortgage deed to sell E, transferring the terms of the mortgage.
32. 8th April 1885. Bill of John Holliday, blacksmith, re the late William Baty of Dikeside, for three years' items less allowance and rent, net £37 18s 6d.
33. c. 1920. Map of Dalston Hall estate, SW of Carlisle, in lots, to accompany particulars of sale.

Item Date:  1920

Stock No:  50897      £950

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