DAVIES (Sir Henry Walford Davies, 1869-1941, Master of the King's Musick)

Autograph Letter Signed with initials, to Sir William Henry Hadow, 1859-1937, editor of the Oxford History of Music, from 1909 principal of Armstrong College, Newcastle upon Tyne, saying "I'm glad indeed that Newcastle is to try at Francis, and I can guess who drew them to the attempt - No extra instruments whatever ... only I oboe needed", adding that he was going "to present myself ... uninvited. Now its a greater pleasure to look forward to. I'm going to try to give a better lecture", 2 sides 8vo., Segenbalm, 32 West Heath Drive, Hampstead, 25th January blank top portion damaged from former mounting, traces of stamp paper where cut across the middle without loss

Walford Davies' Cantata 'Song of St. Francis: Praises of the Lord as concerning His creatures', was published later in 1913.

Item Date:  1903

Stock No:  51355      £45

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