[LOUIS XVI (1754-1793, King of France 1774-1792, guillotined during the Revolution]

Document signed in Louis' name by a Secrétaire de la main, in French with translation, confirming to Louis-François Pascal de La Gillière (b. 1719), late 2nd Naval Lieutenant in the Compagnie des Indes, his pension of 200 livres p.a. previously paid by the Compagnie, now to be paid by the royal Treasury, printed in imitation of an upright cursive with manuscript details, notes of later payments on verso, 1 side 10¾" x 17", vellum, Versailles, 1st November

Also signed by Antoine-Jean AMELOT (d. 1795, Intendant des Finances 1774, Secretary of State for the Royal Household 1776-1783). He was known for refusing pensions to all and sundry unless they could show good cause: hence the detailed notes on this document indicating that the king had been given the necessary legal background.
Amelot is remembered for his correspondence with Voltaire - they had a common opponent in De Brosses, President of the Parlement de Dijon, who was Voltaire's part-landlord. On Voltaire's return to Paris in 1784 after 28 years, Amelot forbade the press to publish attacks on the old man, and he signed the order allowing him to be buried away from Paris before the bishops could object. The present Rue Amelot, running north west from the Bastille, has borne his name since it was laid out in 1777.
The Compagnie des Indes was begun by Richelieu in 1642. At one time, when John Law was finance minister, it had almost a monopoly of French foreign trade.

Item Date:  1780

Stock No:  51581      £325

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