A FORCED LOAN TO THE CROWN [ELIZABETH I (1533-1603, from 1558 Queen of England)]

Portion of a letter in her name, with transcription, signed by Thomas Kery, Clerk of the Privy Seal, saying she doubts not "but yt is well knowen what great [cause we have for the defence of our Realm]e to be furnished w[i]th money: And therefore [we require you as other good subiectes did this] laste yeare lende us sundrye so[m]mes of money", and asking the addressee to "lende us in like manner ... to suche parson" as her Privy Council shall appoint as Collector "in that shire, w[hi]ch we promise to [cause to be duely repaid ... at the end]e of one yeare in o[u]r receipt upon the [shewinge of this privy Seale subscribed by] the said Collecto[u]r. Geven vnder o[u]r [privie seal]", 1 side 4" x 4", no place, 17th or 27th November "in the xxxiijth [three and thirtieth] yeare of o[u]r raigne", lacking a few words at the beginning of lines, but the sense can be well made out and supplied from a similar letter in the British Library

See BL Add 28844, f.1, dated 28th July 1591, requesting a loan of £40.

Item Date:  1590

Stock No:  51616      £750

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