FAWCETT (Sir William, 1728-1804, Major-General)

Autograph Letter Signed as Adjutant General to the Marquess of Lothian enclosing "for fear of accident ... a Duplicate of His Majesty's Orders" sent yesterday "with a trifling Variation in the Words" [not present], "as I was much hurried, & had hardly time to save the Post", either may be "given out to the two Regts., provided they are but given out before your Lordship goes out of waiting", 1 side 4to., Great George Street, 28th June

Fawcett's long career spanned Culloden, enlisting Hessians and Brunswickers to serve against America, and the Flanders campaign of 1794-1795. He translated Marshal Saxe's memoirs and on announcing the victory of Warburg to George II in German was rewarded with a lieutenant-colonelcy.

Item Date:  1788

Stock No:  52055      £150

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