[LOUIS (Bonaparte, 1778-1846, brother of Napoleon I and father of Napoleon III, King of Holland 1806-1810)]

Petition in French to the King by Euphémie Lefebvre, in a clerk's hand, unsigned, for an augmentation of the money he allows to her sister-in-law Mademoiselle Lefebvre, who has no other means and supports aged and infirm parents, the petitioner contributes what she can "to fulfil this sacred duty", Mademoiselle Lefebvre is too reserved to ask for herself, with a note at the top in another hand (probably Louis' secretary, A. Cuvillier Fleury), referring it to M. de Sénégra, Master of the Household at Huis ten Bosch, 2 sides folio no date, the note 19th September small defect in blank top margin (?from seal)

Holland was occupied by the French from 1795 to 1813, initially with the support of the Dutch republicans. In 1806 Napoleon made his brother Louis, who was married to Napoleon's step-daughter Hortense, King of Holland as Lodewijk I.
Louis and Hortense arrived at Huis ten Bosch on 18th June 1806.

Item Date:  1807

Stock No:  52084      £150

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