VICTORIA (1819-1901, from 1837 Queen of Great Britain)

Document signed, to the President of Peru, (Andrés Avelino Cáceres, 1836-1923, President 1886-1890 & 1894-1895), saying she has thought fit to recall "Our trusty and well beloved Sir Charles Edward Mansfield ... who has for some time resided with You in the character of Our Minister Resident", and being satisfied with his "zeal, ability and fidelity ... on all occasions ... We trust his conduct will also have merited Your approbation", renewing "the assurances of Our constant friendship" and commending the President to "the protection of The Almighty", signed also by Foreign Secretary Kimberley (1826-1902, 1st Earl), 2 sides folio with narrow black edges and conjugate blank, Windsor Castle, 23rd October

Cáceres had previously been Peruvian Commander in Chief during the successful invasion by Chile in 1879. The Chileans did not finally withdraw till 1885, imposing harsh terms, which helped to secure his election as President in 1886. However, his second election in August 1894 led to a rebellion, the loss of 2800 lives, and his defeat, hostilities ceasing only on the intervention of the British Consul in March 1895, when Cáceres left the country.

Item Date:  1894

Stock No:  52500      £675

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