SANTA CRUZ (Andrés, 1792-1865, President of Bolivia, 1829-1839, also of Peru, 1835-1839)

Finely penned Document signed, in Spanish with translation, to the President of Peru, (Augustín Gamarra, 1785-1840, President 1829-1833 & 1839-1842), saying that peace and harmony between the South American states being the keynotes of his policy, he "received and treated with the greatest goodwill your Minister D. Mariano Alvárez, believing that his mission would produce the good effects that without doubt the two Governments intended. Unfortunately the Legation has retired without acknowledging the constant good disposition of the Government of Bolivia, and which must be supposed to be that of the Government of Peru", nevertheless he has heard "with greater pain that alarming rumours are spreading, whose origin is inconceivable, and which tend to break the good harmony which ought always to exist between the two peoples ... and so that the withdrawal of the Peruvian Legation may not leave such cordial feelings paralyzed, I have appointed as Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to Your Excellency the Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice Doctor Casimiro Olañeta", hoping that "you will follow him with favour ... so that ... any rumours whatever that could disturb [Peru's] good understanding with Bolivia may disappear for ever; and so that Peru and Bolivia may always be brother peoples and loyal friends", signed also by the Bolivian Foreign Minister Mariano Enrique Calvo, with the Peruvian draft reply, agreeing to the appointment, and saying that to expedite matters, Dr Olañeta should remain in Arequipa [in the South of Peru] where the Peruvian envoy will meet him, "which will without doubt make lasting the bonds which unite the two Republics, so as to make vanish the alarming rumours which have been spread to the disgrace of both Governments, and to bring despair to the enemies of America, who desire to see us enveloped in the horrors of anarchy, and count on gaining party advantage from our dissensions and inexperience", signed 'Pedemonte', together 3 sides folio, the main document Chuquisaca, 6th October 1830, the draft reply Callao, 15th January moth damage near the ends of five lines affecting also the (faint) impression of the paper seal of Bolivia on side 2, also blank portion of conjugate leaf, all but one word can be easily supplied, the sense is clear, small defect at blank head of fold

An unusually early document in the history of the independent states. Santa Cruz was Bolívar's successor as President.

Item Date:  1831

Stock No:  52563      £775

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