BRIGHT (John, 1811-1889, Radical Statesman and Orator)

Engaging autograph letter signed to the Revd Samuel Clarkson, of Broughton, Manchester, thanking him for "the kindness which dictated the lines" accompanying "your note", unfortunately he is "in no way worthy of the compliments of Poets ... effusions of this nature" in the newspapers "make me blush", he cannot come up to "your standard of duty" and has "a nervous apprehension" about "the ordinary labour of Parl[iamentar]y life -- A few weeks will show", ending "In future, I must urge you to take a better subject when the poetic fit is on", 4 sides 16mo, Rochdale, 26th January traces of former guard

Bright had lost his seat for Manchester and had just been elected for Birmingham.

Item Date:  1858

Stock No:  52905      £65

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