[GEORGE (Duke of Kent, 1902-1942, Son of George V, Uncle of Elizabeth II)]

Typed Letter Signed addressed to 'Dear Prince George' by Sir Frederick Ponsonby, (1867-1935, 1st Baron Sysonby, Equerry to Edward VII), saying "There promises to be a hell of a row and as you will be in the soup yourself" he is giving the Prince "an idea of what it is all about ... the King gave £100" towards Sir Frederick Milner's Mental After Care Association "and you became Patron", the name was changed to "the Ex-Services Welfare Society ... About a fortnight ago they issued a leaflet accusing the Ministry of Pensions of putting the mental cases amongst ex-Service men into pauper lunatic asylums" and that "the King sympathised ... and you became Patron ... The new Minister of Pensions (Major Tryon)" is thus "in some difficulty", the writer has written to Milner that unless the pamphlet is withdrawn "it will my duty to ... ask you to withdraw your Patronage ... there is every probability of a question ... in the House", and promising to keep the Prince informed, so that if it comes to it "both His Majesty and you may sever your connection with this undesirable Association",. 2 sides 9½" x 7½", Privy Purse Office, 19th November neatly stapled, light offset from rust in blank margin

The Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society,which was established in 1919 by Sir Frederick Milner, 'the Soldiers and Sailors Friend', who campaigned for shell-shocked veterans and Sir Frederick was one of a group of forward-thinkers who felt that those with mental health problems should not be treated in asylums. He set up a factory at Milner House where disabled people could be paid a wage for their work and eventually it was taken over by Remploy – a not-for-profit organisation that provides work for disabled people.
Ponsonby's autobiography Recollections of Three Reigns is full, frank and entertaining. Nancy Mitford wrote to Evelyn Waugh that there was "a shriek on every page"

Item Date:  1924

Stock No:  53933      £250

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