FRANCIS (1st Duke of Teck, 1837-1900, father of Queen Mary)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Gino', congratulating him on his engagement and for "announcing the happy event to yr. old Friends who however far and distant take great interest in all that concerns their Friends in the fair South", he passes over "anything that at present, may mar or be a discord in yr. happiness. Most likely it will all come right in the end", he heard of "your engagement to Miss Bailey through Mrs Palmer", he explains that "For about 6 weeks I was very suffering with
Lumbago & rheumatism ... could not even write. My going to the Drawing room before I was well enough, made it even worse", they are "going to Sandringham this week" and then will "settle in London for the rest of the Season. Politics run high & upset ones digestion. I wish superannuated Gladstone wld. leave to others, the task of benefiting any of H.M.'s subjects", embossed crowned 'FT', 4 sides 8vo black edged, White Lodge, Richmond Park, 19th April
a little browned without loss

Told off to economise by living abroad, the Tecks went to Florence, arriving in December 1883. After a while they were lent I Cedri, a fifteenth century villa a few miles down the Arno, by Miss Bianca Light, where they stayed, rent-free, from 3rd April 1884 to 24th May 1885. The Duke had become great friends with her brother, Major Light, who was President of the English Club in Florence. For Princess May it was a wonderful education, meeting connoisseurs, drawing, visiting art treasures and going to the theatre

Item Date:  1886

Stock No:  54002      £165

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