RANDEGGER (Alberto, 1832-1911, Trieste-born Composer, Singing Master, and Conductor)

Autograph Letter Signed to "My dear Miss Kinloch", thanking her "for the lovely flowers", he has never seen the "Royalty & Rhyme Songs" by Ruth Aitken [1907], "You may be quite sure that if I come up North, I should look you up! ... Up to the end of July I am tied to London" but "may go to Italy as usual ... Au revoir some time I hope!", 2 sides 5¾" x 4½", 5 Nottingham Place, W., 25th June faint traces of tabs in blank upper margin of side 1

Randegger was the leading teacher in London of his time, and as conductor of the Carl Rosa Opera from 1879, did much towards the popular revival of opera in England.

Item Date:  1907

Stock No:  54022      £95

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