PERÓN (Juan Domingo, 1895-1974, President of Argentina 1946-1955 and 1973-1974)

Typed Letter Signed, in Spanish with translation, to Lawrence A. Flockhart in London, thanking him warmly for "the cutting from the Sunday Dispatch ... I see now we have friends in common whom I greatly value, something which accentuates my fellow feeling for your expressions of solidarity and good wishes, which, I hope, will be fulfilled without delay", he continues "The Sunday Dispatch has never interviewed me, so that the reporting is pure invention, the product of the weak and dishonest mind of the journalist Osborne, who tried unsuccessfully to question me in Seville and just now in Torremolinos ... this unfounded account ... has a basis of truth only when he states convincingly that I have not abandoned the struggle", ending "I am at your service ... may I offer my best wishes and a warm embrace", 1 side 11" x 8½", Hotel El Pinar, Torremolinos, Málaga, Spain, 20th February

Perón took a leading part in the army revolt of 1943, achieving power and great popularity with the masses with his 'third way' between capitalism and communism. In 1938 he had looked closely with some admiration at Mussolini and Hitler for the courses they were steering between the two. At that time Flockhart was a young man of 18 and, no doubt with similar motives, was attached to the British Union of Fascists. Perón spent 1955-1973 in exile but in constant touch with his supporters.

Item Date:  1960

Stock No:  54036      £275

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