PUREFOY (William, circa 1580-1659, Regicide, M.P. for Warwick, President of the Council of State)

Document signed as President "in the name ... of the Councell of State appointed by authority of Parliament", to the Commissioners of the Navy, saying that "Whereas Thomas Hall hath bin by you recommended unto us, both for his affection to the ... present Government, and his ability", they require the Commissioners to enter him as "Boatswayne in the new Frigott now building by Mr. Johnson" (later Sir Henry, d. 1683) "at Deptford for the service of the Commonwealth", with the usual "wages and dyett for himselfe & servant ... in a Frigott of her rate and Quality", signed also by 'Jo: Thurloe Cler[ke] of the Councell', papered seal of the Council of State bearing the Commonwealth arms (St George's Cross and the Irish Harp), 1 side 11¾" x 7¼", summary on conjugate leaf, Whitehall, 5th September

The Council of State of 41 members, 9 to make a quorum, was set up on 13th February 1648/1649, after the King's execution, to direct the Navy and the Militia, to put down Royalists and reduce Ireland, and to deal with foreign states. The President of the Council served for a month at most.
John Thurloe,(1616-1668, later M.P. for Ely and for Cambridge University and a member of the Council), was put in charge of the postal department and became Cromwell's 'spymaster'. He employed the famous mathematician John Wallis, 1616-1703, to decipher coded letters.

Item Date:  1652

Stock No:  54098      £1275

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