PUTTING THE EXCISE SYSTEM AT RISK BULSTRODE (Thomas, Landowner in Buckinghamshire), William PARKER, (Doctor of Physick), Maurice THOMSON (1604-1676, Colonial Merchant), Richard DOWNES (Fishmonger, Alderman 1652), and Algernon SIDNEY, (1622-1683, Cavalry leader in the Parliamentary Army, M.P., author of 'Discourses on Government')

Document Signed by the above five (of six)  Commissioners for the Excise to the Committee of Parliament for Regulating the Excise, with transcription, expressing their dissatisfaction that certain manufacturers may be granted exemption, their arguments closely reflect the system in force, saying that they had perused Parliament's Order of 16th December 1652, and had found there nothing but "a continuacion of the Receiptes of Excise unto the xxixth of September 1655", so they themselves have drafted an Act [not present], they point out that inevitably "the same indulgence of the Parliament will be expected to bee extended to all other Persons paying the like duty and by that meanes begett an impatience in the people to pay anything upon any manufacture at all, and so necessitate a totall laying of the whole aside", further "that haveing already given an Accompt of what the growing receipts may likely amount unto" to "the Comittee for Inspecting of Publique Treasuries and Comissioners of the Navy", the latter's budgets will be deficient and "the Publique service failed", again "all the inland comodities exciseable (except Tobacco pipes) are at present more or lesse in Farme", so the buyers "will forbeare payment and the Farmers deteyne theire rent", with "defalcacion and nonperformance of Articles on the Comissioners parte", lastly "the Accompts of the Excise" will not be drawn up under regular heads, leading to delays in signing them off, in their draft they have included a clause with "a forme and manner of a discharge to bee had & made in the case", the same clause was in Parliament's Ordinance of 31st August 1644 but without any form of discharge, 2 sides 12" x 7¾", Excise Office, 11th, 21st or 31st January 1652, modern calendar

The Excise Commission, promoted in Parliament by John Pym, was set up on 22nd July 1643. It was an entirely new departure for the country and the ancestor of the modern system. Whereas 'customs' were levied on imports and exports, 'excise' was for home products sold at home. It made possible a regular estimate of what was likely to come in and how it could be spent. Previously taxes, such as on property, had to be specially argued and voted.
Thomas Bulstrode had been one of the commissioners in 1647 for collecting the County Rate to support the Army in Ireland.
William Parker may be the Doctor of Medicine of Bourges, 27th February 1633/1634, admitted honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, December 1664.
Maurice Thomson went out to Virginia 1617 under the auspices of his brother-in law, Captain William Tucker, one of the early settlers, and stayed several years, trading in provisions and tobacco (in which for a short time he had the monopoly). On his return he was involved in many important enterprises in America, the West Indies, West Africa, and the East, either as member or interloper, becoming governor of the East India Company in 1658. For the astonishing range of his activities, his relations with Charles I, Cromwell, and the puritan Sir Richard Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, many of whose businesses he managed between 1642 and 1646, see the article by Valerie Pearl in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004).
Algernon Sidney fought for the Parliament, leading his cavalry regiment at Marston Moor, where he was dangerously wounded. He was nominated a commissioner for Charles I's trial, but took no part and retired to Penshurst, being later active in Parliamentary work. After the restoration he stayed abroad till his father, Lord Leicester, died. Thereafter he acted mostly with the 'country party', opposed to Charles II's 'court party', and being implicated in the Rye House plot was executed on Tower Hill.

Item Date:  1653

Stock No:  54100      £1250

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