[NIKOLA I (1841-1921, from 1860 ruler as Prince, from 1910 as King of Montenegro), his Queen MILENA (1847-1923), their sons DANILO(I, 1871-1939), MIRKO (1879-1918) and PETAR (1889-1932), daughters MILITZA (1866-1951), ELENA(1873-1952), ANNA (1874-1971), XENIA (1881-1960) and VERA (1887-1927), grandchildren HELEN (of Serbia, 1884-1962) and ALEXANDER (I, 1888-1934, of Serbia), and their spouses)]

Fine unsigned Group Portrait Postcard, by Rotary of London, showing him seated, three quarter length, full face, in fine Balkan dress, surrounded by his extended family in three rows, 3½" x 5½", with their names (one unnamed) in English below, 18 members in all, no place, no date, circa

Nikola I continued his family's heroic tradition of fighting the Turks, and promoted literacy and education, having been educated at Trieste and Paris. His sons-in-law included the Kings of Italy and Serbia, the brother of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and two Russian Grand Dukes. His kingdom was annexed by Serbia in 1918, a fact he refused to recognize, though it was confirmed by the Powers in 1922.
Back Row: Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich (1864-1931, husband of Princess Militza, Nikola I's daughter, son of the Russian Commander in Chief in WWI); Prince Franz Joseph of Battenberg (1861-1921, husband of Princess Anna); Princess Vera (1887-1927); Princess Xenia (1881-1960); Crown Prince Danilo (1871-1939, King 1st-7th March 1921); Prince Mirko (1879-1918); Prince Petar (1889-1932).
Middle Row: Princess Militza (1880-1946, née Jutta, Princess of Mecklenburg Strelitz, wife of the Crown Prince); Princess Militza (1866-1951, Nikola I's daughter); Queen Elena (1873-1952, of Italy); Queen Milena (1847-1923, of Montenegro); Nikola I; Princess Anna (1874-1971); Vittorio Emanuele III (1869-1947, husband of Princess Elena); Princess Nathalie (1882-1950, wife of Prince Mirko).
Front Row: Princess Helen (1884-1962, daughter of Peter I of Serbia, the husband of Nikola I's daughter Zorka, 1864-1890); unnamed Princess; Alexander (I, Crown Prince of Serbia, 1888-1934, the first King of Yugoslavia).

Item Date:  1910

Stock No:  54396      £150

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