MAUROCENO (Giuseppe, Superintending Advocate at Venice)

Autograph Letter Signed, in Latin with transcription and translation, in his attractive italic hand, to 'his honoured friend' D. Aloysio Emilio, Podestà (Mayor) of Chioggia, with two contemporary notes in Italian in other hands, repeating his request of the 11th June 1602 for the copy of an entry in the register at Chioggia of the previous 22nd December, concerning D. Francesco Scarpa's action on behalf of his wife, he has been told formally that clerk D. Nicolao Scarpa has a copy in another register, and that if Don Francesco refuses to comply, he will have to appear within two days before Mauroceno "to reply to the things about which he shall be asked ... and answer for his performance", a note at the head in Italian in another hand says that on the 28th June this letter was shown to Don Francesco, and another at the foot in a third hand that, on the 29th, public employee Simon Bacci took the necessary copy round to Don Francesco's wife, 1 side 7¾" x 11¼", address on verso, no place [Venice], 25th-29th June traces on verso of former papered seal, 7 tiny original stab marks, one touching three letters (easily read)

Chioggia, 'Clodia' in the letter, an ancient walled fishing port, lies SW from Venice on an island linked to the mainland by a stone bridge. It was the scene of a great and long battle with the Genoese, 1379-1380, Venice's rivals in the Levant trade, a battle which had threatened Venice itself. After Venice's victory the Genoese disappeared from the Adriatic.

Item Date:  1602

Stock No:  54542      £275

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