ARGENTAN, 1613 HELLOUIN (Gilles) and LE MOLINET (Guillaume, Notaries of Argentan, Normandy)

Document Signed, in French, with transcription and translation, in a neat hand, their signatures with elaborate flourishes against forgery, certifying that 'honneste homme' (respectable person) Pierre Vallée of Argentan, with his wife Marie Guilbert and wife's brother Filipet Guilbert, have renounced to Ravan de Morel, Sieur of Aubigny [2 miles north of Falaise], all their rights in an annual 40 livres from Martin Vieillot (part of an annual mortgage of 50 livres contracted in 1592), in consideration of the Sieur d'Aubigny's single payment to the husband of 400 livres, vellum, 3 sides 12½" x 9", contemporary summary on side 4, Argentan (35 miles south of Caen), 16th April first occurrences of names neatly underlined in later blue pencil

The Morel family had been at Aubigny since 1522. The Sieur d'Aubigny is described in the document as "Knight of the Order of the King and Gentleman in Ordinary of His Chamber", identifying him as the father rather than the son of the same Christian name, (here spelt Ravein). He married in 1565 and was also Chamberlain to the Duke of Alençon. (See La Chesnaye, who gives his rank as Count).
Apparently Aubigny was already paying 40 livres a year to Vieillot, by a contract signed at Falaise in 1611, so it was simpler to give Vallée the lump sum and reduce Vieillot's debt to Vallée.
All parties are anxious that the sum of 400 livres, clearly in trust for the wife, is kept secure, and the husband undertakes to reinvest it in other regular payment or heritable property. Her brother stands surety for the husband in this regard.
Other names mentioned are Martin Pantin, Curé of Aubigny, proxy for Morel; Jacques Dufour, Sieur du Parc, who pays over Aubigny's 400 livres to Vallée; Maître Noel Margueritte and Monsieur Guillaume Labé, who act for Aubigny with Vieillot; and witnesses Jacques le Brun and Marin Got.

Item Date:  1613

Stock No:  54555      £325

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