FUSTE (Abraham, Mercer of Dover, Kent, his wife Anne FUSTE, and Dennis MASTER, Yeoman of Ashford, Kent)

Document Signed by all three, "in the xxxvith yere of the Reigne of our Sov'eigne Ladie Elizabeth", selling to Isaac Fuste, Grocer of Ashford, "for a competent somme of lawfull money of England" (line 5), their freehold messuage (dwelling) and garden in the parish of "Asshetisforde" (Ashford) now in Isaac's occupation, bounded on the west and north by the land of Jeremy Fuste, by the messuage and land of Dennis Master on the east, and by "the Quenes highe strete"(line 9) on the south, for Isaac, his heirs and assigns, "to his and their onely proper use and behoof for ever" (line 11), if Isaac wishes for further confirmation of the title, they are willing to suffer any judicial process such as a "fyne [final agreement]" or "recoverye with single or duble vowchers" (line 14) but at his "costes and chardges" (line 15), the sellers will warrant and defend Isaac and his successors' enjoyment "without any lett or interrupcion" (line 24), signed and sealed "per me Abraham Fuste" "Anne S[igned] Fuste", "Denes Master", note at foot in Latin of recognition by Abraham Fuste, signed B. Swale, 10th May, endorsed on verso by witnesses Nicholas Gurny, Thomas Rhodes, John Robins, William van Bylder, Chr. Childovor, Griffin Foxe and Alexander Nicolls with their signatures or marks, and finely penned note of registration by John Bailey of 18th June, vellum, 10½" x 18¾" neatly folding to 4" x 6¾", no place, 12th April first two seals almost gone, the third worn, tabs rather crumpled but generally in clean and crisp condition

Item Date:  1594

Stock No:  54561      £225

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