[MILLS (Albert Leopold, 1854-1916, Medal of Honor 1902 for 1898, Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, 1898-1906, Major General)]

Unsigned Cabinet Portrait Photograph, by G.W. Pach of 841, Broadway, New York, showing him half length, three quarter face, head and eyes to the right, in West Point Cadet uniform, [West Point], 6½" x 4¼", no date, circa

Mills graduated in 1879 into the 1st U.S. Cavalry serving on the West frontier and as a cavalry instructor. In 1898 he was made a Captain of Volunteers and an Assistant Adjutant General in Cuba. At the battle of San Juan Hill, though shot through the head and temporarily blinded, he continued to command his men with 'bravery and coolness', for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Following his service in Cuba, Mills was appointed to West Point, leaping from (regular) 1st Lieutenant to Colonel, and where among other reforms he put an end to hazing. In 1912 he was briefly President of the Army War College (then situated at Washington Barracks), established in 1901 to build on the lessons of the Spanish-American War.
G.W. Pach was also a regular photographer at Harvard, Yale, Vassar and other universities, the processing and printing being done in New York.

Item Date:  1879

Stock No:  54878      £275

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