[MONTAGU (Francis Browne, 1610-1682, from 1629 3rd Viscount)]

Order by the House of Lords, signed by John BROWNE (circa 1608-1691, Clerk of the Parliaments) with transcription, suspending all sequestration of Montagu's estates (which included Cowdray Park and Battle Abbey), following his petition "shewing, that hee hath for severall yeares last past (upon pretence of his being a Popish Recusant) groaned under the heavy pressure of a sequestration of more than two third parts of his Estate ... although he was never convicted of recusancy", until "the meritts of his cause bee fully heard, and determined by due course of law", all those involved "to yeald their Obedience hereunto as they will answere the contrary to this House", 1 side folio and conjugate leaf with short title, House of Lords, 13th June

Written within a few weeks of Charles II's Restoration. The petitioner's great-grandparents, the 1st Viscount and his wife, were staunch Roman Catholics and close to Queen Mary. Guy Fawkes served for a while in the 1st Viscount's household, and the petitioner's father, the 2nd Viscount, was in the Tower for over a year for alleged complicity in the Plot.
John Browne, first appointed in 1638, was in fact a strong Parliamentarian, and served as clerk in the Lords until the house's abolition in March 1649. He was, nevertheless, re-instated at the Restoration and remained in this important post until his death.

Item Date:  1660

Stock No:  55423      £425

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