LOUISE VICTORIA (1867-1931, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, daughter of Edward VII & Queen Alexandra), and her sisters VICTORIA ALEXANDRA (1868-1935, Princess) & MAUD (1869-1938, Queen of Norway)

Album Leaf with Four Drawings made for 'Dear Jonnie', Mrs. Elizabeth Jones (d. 13th May 1881, for 14 years the much-loved nanny to the Wales children), in red, blue, green or pencil, each with a cottage with smoke coming from the chimney, and trees, single or in lines, Victoria's is on fan-shaped paper with a narrow lacey edge, Maud's is similar but larger, with an edging of lacey ovals, another by her is on paper headed "Abergeldie Castle, Aberdeenshire", while Louise's is the smallest and unsigned, but the most assured, the leaf 1 side oblong folio, Abergeldie Castle or no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1875

Stock No:  55603      £325

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