THE BATTLE OF THE NILE [NELSON (Horatio, Viscount, 1758-1805, Admiral)]

Fine and evocative Contemporary Copy of his official list of the English and French Forces at the BATTLE OF THE NILE, fought 1st-3rd August 1798, with copy signature 'HORATIO NELSON', naming the 14 English vessels, headed by his flagship 'Vanguard' (74), their numbers of guns, men, killed and wounded, and the 19 French vessels, headed by Brueys' flagship 'L'Orient' (120), with their numbers of guns and men, also 'How dispos'd of', mostly Taken (11), the rest Burnt (3), Sunk (1) or Escaped, headed by 'Le Guillaume Tell' [Counter-Admiral Villeneuve], (4), while the French survivors 'Sent on shore ... as by Certificates from Captain Barry of L'Hecate Bomb', Escaped from the Timoleon ... L'Hecate Bomb, Officers, Carpenters, Caulkers, &c Prisoners aboard the Fleet, total only 3708 out of 8930, contemporary title on side 4 in Italian, 1 side large oblong folio and conjugate leaf, Vanguard, 13th September

Nelson had at last caught up with the French Fleet. Napoleon had landed his army in Egypt and fought several battles. Admiral Brueys set up a defensive line at Aboukir Bay (that at Alexandria being too shallow), wrongly believing that the shallows behind him were sufficient protection. Although it was late afternoon, Nelson attacked. HMS Zealous tested the depth of the water and the French line was soon under fire from both sides. Nelson's dispositions throughout the evening and well past midnight, in spite of a severe head wound during the battle, were outstanding. The English ships flew the White Ensign, illuminated, to distinguish them from the Tricolour. The battle left Napoleon without warships or supplies, and gave the British the control of the Eastern Mediterranean for the rest of the war.
Nelson lists 3105 French prisoners as 'Sent on shore by Cartel' (truce). Napoleon later formed these into a unit to join his army.

Item Date:  1798

Stock No:  55712      £2750

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