NAPOLEON TIGHTENS HIS GRIP RODIA (Marchese, Commissary General to Ferdinand IV of Naples)

Table showing the State of the French Forces Stationed in the Kingdom of Naples, in a small neat hand, in Italian with transcriptions and translations of the headings and notes, signed by him 'Marchese RHODIA', showing the Places, Numbers and Corps "under the command of Lieutenant-General GOUVION DE ST-CYR"(Laurent, 1764-1830, Marquis, Marshal of France, 1812, reforming war minister under the Restoration), copied from Gouvion's official lists by Rodia, the first section shows how completely the French have occupied places of any size, coastal or inland, in the whole of the heel of Italy as far round as Taranto, as well as Pescara and Chieti further north, there follow the names of all the regiments ('half-brigades') involved, infantry, cavalry and artillery, including regiments from Napoleon's own Kingdom of Italy in the north, Switzerland and Poland, with the numbers in each, totalling 13,393 men, followed by interesting details of the Artillery Train - Mobile Forges ('Forge di Campagna'), Wagons, Chests and Replacement Gun Carriages, hauled by 441 draught animals, supporting 16 cannon (6- and 12-pounders) and 4 howitzers ('obici'), Rodia notes that besides the above, "and temporary batteries set up in the Gulf of Taranto", the French hold "all the fortresses in Apulia and those in Pescara in Abruzzo, except Manfredonia, with their respective Batteries and stores of munitions", 1 side 5" x 7" in margins 6¾" x 8¾", Taranto, 1st February (Transcriptions of Headings and Notes)
[Title] Stato dimostrativo della forza francese stazionata nel Regno di Napoli sotto il Comando di Luogotenente Generale Consigliere di Stato Gouvion Saint-cyr e ricavata nel suo effettivo Numero e Corpi dal Commissario Generale per S[ua] M[aestà] Marchese Rhodia.

[Headings 1,2] Provincie, Linea di Paesi ove dimorano
Lecce: Otranto, Gallipoli, Nardo, Lecce, Campi, St Pier Vernoso, Brindisi, Mesagna, Taranto, Francavilla, Casalnuovo, Massafra, Castellaneta, Ostuni
Bari: Fasano, Monopoli, Polignano, Monteroni, Gioja, Adolfetta, Trani, Terlizzi, Biletto, Conversano, Mola, Bari, Casamassima, Giovinazzo, Bisceglia, Barletta, Bitonto, Acquaviva
Matera: Altamura, Gravina, Matera
Chieti: Pescara, Chieti

[Heading 3] Stato effectivo della Forza che trovasi nel Regno divisa nei loro Corpi.
Infanteria: Generali Stato Maggiore Generali & Genio 2a,3a,4a Mezza Brigata Italiana 1a. Leggiere 6a,42a di Linea 2a Elvetica Corpo Ligure Infanteria Polacca
Cavalleria: Ussari Italiani 7o. Dragoni 9o. Cacciatori Cavalleria Polacca
Artiglieria: A Cavallo A Piedi Zappatori Artefici Treno 2a. Battaglione Uffiziali di salute Impiegati alla Tesoreria Idem per la sussistenza

[Heading 4] Treno d'Artiglieria appartenente alle Truppe
Animali da Tiro, Bocchi di fuoco con i loro affusti: Cannoni [da] 6 [libbre], [da] 12 [libbre], Obici da 6 [libbre], Affusti di Ricambio, Cassoni Ordinarii, Carri a Munizioni, Forge di Campagna

[Heading 5] Osservazioni
Oltre le suddette Artiglierie venute coll' Armata, e le batterie occasionali fatte nel cratere di Taranto, sono in Potere de' francesi tutti i Castelli di Puglia e quello di Pescara in Abruzzo meno che Manfredonia colle loro rispettive Battterie, e dolazione di munizioni.
[Signed] Marchese Rhodia
Taranto il 1mo. Febbrajo 1804.

(Translations of Headings and Notes)
(Title) Table showing the French forces stationed in the Kingdom of Naples under the Command of Lieutenant General Councillor of State Gouvion St-Cyr and copied from his list of active Numbers and Corps by Marchese Rodia, His Majesty [Ferdinand IV]'s Commissary General.

[Headings 1,2] Provinces, List of Districts where they are stationed
Lecce: Otranto, Gallipoli, Nardo, Lecce, Campi, St Pier Vernoso, Brindisi, Mesagna, Taranto, Francavilla, Casalnuovo, Massafra, Castellaneta, Ostuni
Bari: Fasano, Monopoli, Polignano, Monteroni, Gioja, Adolfetta, Trani, Terlizzi, Biletto, Conversano, Mola, Bari, Casamassima, Giovinazzo, Bisceglia, Barletta, Bitonto, Acquaviva
Matera: Altamura, Gravina, Matera
Chieti: Pescara, Chieti

[Heading 3] Effective State of the Forces present in the Kingdom with their Corps.
Infantry: Generals, General and Engineering Staff, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Italian Half-Brigades, 1st Light, 6th and 42nd of the Line, 2nd Swiss, Ligurians, Polish Infantry.
Cavalry: Italian Hussars, 7th Dragoons, 9th Chasseurs,. Polish Cavalry.
Artillery: Horse, Foot, Sappers, Artisans, Train (2nd Battalion), Health Officers, Treasury Employees, Subsistence ditto.

Artillery Train attached to the Troops
Draught Animals, Guns with their Carriages: Cannon: 6 pounders, Cannon: 12-pounders, Howitzers: 6-pounders, Replacement Gun Carriages, Limber Boxes ['Cassoni'], Ammunition Wagons, Mobile Forges ['Forge di Campagna'].

Besides the above Artillery that came with the Armed Forces, and the temporary batteries set up in the Gulf of Taranto, the French have in their power all the Fortresses of Apulia and that of Pescara in Abruzzo except Manfredonia, with their respective Batteries and ammunition supplies..

Taranto, 1st February 1804.
[Signed] Marchese Rhodia.

The numbers show the intense pressure Napoleon was placing on Ferdinand IV. They were not officially at war and Ferdinand IV played a game of alternate concessions and demands.. But after Austerlitz in December 1805, Napoleon felt strong enough to declare that "the Bourbon dynasty had ceased to reign", in January 1806 the Court fled to Palermo, and in February Napoleon installed his brother Joseph as King of Naples (1806-1808).

Item Date:  1804

Stock No:  55716      £975

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