[WILHELM I (1797-1888, King of Prussia and first German Emperor)]

Splendid Souvenir Folding Card 'Dem Deutsche Kaiserreiche' ('To the German Empire'), in full colour, in German with transcriptions and translations, the centre showing Wilhelm I in his new regalia, holding his sword upwards, while pointing to a document on the table by him, (we presume, the Proclamation of the Empire at Versailles), the side panels, with romantic landscapes, read "Vom Fels" ('From Mountain') and "Zum Meer" ('To Sea'), while on the outside, the left panel bears a trophy, the right a quotation from Wilhelm I of July 1870, 11 days after France had declared war, that "Germany... may rest assured that strife brings her tranquillity and that out of the bloody sowing will spring a harvest, blessed by God, of German freedom and unity", all on a lacy paper frame topped by a gilt German eagle, 5¼" (max.) x 3¼" unfolding to 5¼" x 7", no place, no date, circa light vertical crease from part folding in upper panel
(Transcription of quotation)
Deutschland darf in seiner Einmüthigheit wie in seine Rechte die Bürgschaft finden, daß der Krieg ihm Frieden bringe und daß aus der blutigen Saat eine von Gott gesegnete Ernte deutscher Freiheit und Einigheit sprießen werde.
Berlin, 25. Juli 1870. Wilhelm I.
Germany, in her unanimity and in her sense of justice, may rest assured that strife brings her tranquillity and that out of the bloody sowing will spring a harvest, blessed by God, of German freedom and unity.
Berlin, 25th July 1870.

Item Date:  1871

Stock No:  55942      £95

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