ENGLISH GOVERNESS TO THE GERMAN PRINCES HOWARD (Ethel, 1865-1931, later Mrs H.A. Bell, English Governess, December 1895 - June 1898, to the sons of Wilhelm II)

Fascinating Archive compiled by her as Governess, containing drawings by the Princes, letters and telegrams to Miss Howard from the Empress Auguste Victoria and members of the Court, nearly all in English, photographs signed by the Princes and mementoes of their travels, menus of occasions when she dined with Wilhelm II and other invitations, and parts of long letters by Miss Howard to her family in England, with a Reprint of the text of her book 'Potsdam Princes' (originally London and New York, 1916) and an article about her from the New York Times (2nd July 1916), together about 150 items, Potsdam, Berlin, Kiel, Windsor and elsewhere, 1896 - some items including the drawings worn at the edges, some items a little dust soiled, but generally in good average condition

In December 1895, Miss Howard's charges were (later Crown Prince) Wilhelm (13½), Eitel Friedrich ('Fritz', 12½), Adalbert (11½), August Wilhelm ('Auwi', approaching 9) and Oskar (7½). Joachim (5) and Viktoria Luise ('Sissy', 3) were in the nursery under Mrs Matcham, but Miss Howard occasionally looked after them.

Miss Howard was greatly loved by the Empress, her ladies and the boys, but the constant strain of extra duty and royal dress and other protocol took their toll. From April to towards the end of June 1898 Miss Howard spent ten weeks in the Augusta Hospital, Berlin, exhausted after the third year running without a holiday. (Compare the Empress's letters of 31st March and 8th April 1898, below). Her doctor, Prof. Ewald, stretched a royal command so that she could return to England (see Reprint, p. 80).

The Empress, her ladies and the boys kept in touch for several years. There was an invitation to Windsor when the Empress, Auwi and Oskar went to see Queen Victoria, and there was talk of her returning. From 1901-1908 Miss Howard was governess to Prince Shimadzu, the orphan Duke of the Province of Satsuma, and his brothers in Tokyo, and several later items refer to this period.

The parts of Miss Howard's letters home here present express her feelings very deeply, amid the enjoyment otherwise felt in her work. Her book shows her to be a shrewd and sensitive judge of character, both of boys and adults.

Several items have dockets with notes by Miss Howard or by the editor of her book.

EH Ethel Howard
SHS- Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-

Empress Auguste Victoria
(née Princess of SHS-Augustenburg, 1858-1921, from 1881 1st wife of Wilhelm II). She signs 'Victoria' at this period.

Empress's mother Duchess Adelheid (née Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, 1835-Dresden, 25th January 1900, wife, 1856, of Friedrich VIII, 1829-1880, from 1869 Duke of SHS-Augustenburg)

Empress's Children

Crown Prince Wilhelm (1882–1951)
Prince Eitel Friedrich(1883–1942)
Prince Adalbert (1884–1948)
Prince August Wilhelm (1887–1949)
Prince Oskar(1888–1958)
Prince Joachim(1890–1920)
Princess Victoria Louise (1892–1980)

Empress's household:
Oberhofmarschall August Graf zu Eulenberg (1838-1921)
Oberhofmeisterin Therese Gräfin von Brockdorff (1846-1924)
Hofstaatsdame Mathilde Gräfin von Keller (1853-1945)
Hofstaatsdame Fräulein Claire von Gersdorff (1858-1927)
Hofdame Gräfin B. von Bassewitz

Emperor's Household:

General à la Suite Hans von Gontard (1861-1931)
Ober-gouverneur of the Emperor's Sons General Adolf von Deines (1845-1911)

Emperor's niece:
Princess Feodora (1879-1945), daughter of his sister Princess Charlotte, Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen

Dr. Ernst Dryander (1843-1922, Court Pastor).
Fräulein Ida von Arnim (1832-1904) Oberin (Superior) of the Kaiserin-Augusta Hospital, Berlin

Royal Castles:
Berlin Schloß Wilhelm II's official residence.
Neues Palais, Potsdam. Wilhelm II's family residence.
Wiesbaden Near the Rhine opposite Mainz.
Homburg von der Höhe Summer residence in the spa town near Frankfurt.
Urville South of Neufchâteau in Vosges (Lorraine), German Crown Land 1871-1918.
Wilhelmshöhe On the edge of Cassel city.
Kiel Germany's naval base in the Baltic.
Plön In the 'Holstein Switzerland', south of Kiel, by the Great Plön Lake, a favourite summer haunt of the Empress. Her sons were at school in the Prinzenhaus.

Grünholz Home of the SHS Glücksburgs.
Haus Morsbroich, Schlebisch, Rhine Province. Home of Countess Brockdorff's sister.

27th January 1859 Wilhelm II born
27th February 1881 Wilhelm II and Empress married
22nd October 1858 Empress born



A. From the Empress, her sons and household

Empress Auguste Victoria

1. 17th August 1897, Wilhelmshöhe. Thanking EH "for having sent me several letters giving news about the children. I do feel not having the 3 dear boys here. At Wilhelmshöhe one is so in the habit of having a little flock around one ... How nice what little Oscar said about having time for me and the Army ... I shall be home for 3 days, and then off for the Manoeuvres for about 3 weeks. It is sad for the children but then I shall stay at Potsdam for 4 weeks ... so the children will have their time then". 3 sides on 'Yacht Hohenzollern' paper.

2. No date, no place. "The night for little Joachim has been very good however Baby has coughed a good deal", and asking EH, "if I am not up from downstairs to sit with them a little ..." 1 side 8vo.

3. 31st March 1898, Homburg. Staying with the Emperor for a rest. "I am very glad [the children] have no more lessons after tea . [Oscar] is really ... affectionate ... to think ... he would prefer to remain in a lower class so as to have me a little more ... I am most terribly put out that Dr Juncker persuaded the Emperor not to let the poor children come here for Easter ... I would not have told them they might come ... I know you & Herr von Gontard will do all to make them happy. It is more wise for me to have complete rest ... I am so glad you stayed with them ...". 4 sides 8vo.

4. 8th April 1898, Homburg. "I know you do not mind giving up your Easter holidays because of the children ...". 4 sides 8vo.

5. 15th May 1898, Urville. To EH at the Kaiserin Augusta Hospital, Berlin. "I was told by Ctss Brockdorff that the Doctor wishes to send you to Baden Baden. It is a lovely place and will sure to do you good. I hope it will even set you up again ... Please give a kind message to Frl. von Arnim Oberin [Superior] and the sisters in the house". 2 sides 8vo.

6. 7th July 1898, Travemünde (as from Kiel). To EH at 3 Marine Parade, Eastbourne. "... It must be very trying to have to take such care ... We have spent a very nice week ... the little ones even stayed on the Hohenzollern ... now they are at Kiel whilst Adalbert is here with us at Travemünde. My Yacht won a splendid prize the other day ... The Emperor goes on to Norway then I take in turns the 3 eldest or the little ones with me on the Yacht ... Adalbert is being spoilt rather here on the ship, but Herr v Gontard puts him down now and then ...". 3 sides 8vo.

7. 16th December 1899, no place. Thanking EH for "the things for my poor which you worked yourself" and sending a fan for Christmas, it was "21 degrees R[éaumur] cold yesterday ... I am afraid you will have very sad Xmas in England this year [with the South African war]. I do feel for you all". 2 sides 8vo.

8. 28th December 1903, Neues Palais. To EH in Japan. "...Corvetten Capt. [Konrad] Trümmler is going out to Tokio the Emperor as well so I told him to give you our kind messages. Many thanks for your letter just received ... You would be astonished to see the Princes except Oscar & Joachim they are all taller than I am ... I hope you will keep quite well and get on well in your work. The Crown Prince sends you a kind message ...". 3 sides 8vo.

Together 8 items on 22 sides 8vo. or card, some in pencil, most with envelopes.

Countess Brockdorff
1. No date. Printed Order Form ('Bestellungen') made out as a joke and signed by Countess Brockdorff and Countess Bassewitz when they called "one evening when I was upstairs with the Princes" (EH's note), asking for 3 bottles of Red Wine, 1 bottle of Stout "to break", but No Water "to wash". They also altered the address from Berlin to "never at home by free disposal", with other annotations. 1 side 8vo.

2. 1897, 21st June, Haus Morsbroich, Schlebusch, Rhine Province. Hoping "your patriotic feeling may give you some joy to morrow" though far from home ... we hope you don't feel a stranger among us". 2 sides card.

3. 1898, 21st May. "Her Majesty ordered some flowers to be sent to you, for tomorrow ... you are not forgotten ... I fear this holy day', apparently the Confirmation of one of the Princes "wont give [the Empress] much rest. That is the worst for the 'Highest in this world' ... Now the Empress Frederic arrives in 10 minutes. Good night - & Gott befolhlen [good bye, God bless you]", and sending her love to "Fr. Oberin [Superior Ida von Arnim] and Sister Elisabeth". 4 sides 8vo.

4. [No date]. "Hoped to find you still to say goodbye but you had vanished with the children ... an awful life after all - every one has his burden but in God is strength ... My love to the Princes upstairs". With a note attached by EH, "She used often to sit up late into midnight so overworked was she with letters and business. She went to serve the Empress when a young widow & was so handsome & charming & good". 3 sides 8vo.

5. 1898, 5th August, Haus Morsbroich. "I long to know where you are ... now after your decision is taken ... there is nothing heard about your successor ... tell me exactly what you are like ... Remember I am not English - so I am allowed to speak of even intern[al] parts!! My love to you ...". 4 sides 8vo.

6. 1898, 10th September. "My best wishes for your poor eye ... We are very much interested in what you will begin now", with on the verso, in pencil, a rather cramped letter from Frl. von Gersdorff, hoping EH "did not take any harm" with her accident, "I am sorry to say, - there is no chance of finding a situation as you must find it here in Germany - I wonder if youll succeed in finding soon - here I wish". 2 sides card.

7. 1898, 8th November. Picture Postcard view of Damascus, to EH in England. In spite of fatigues "to be in Jerusalem is a great thing for Christians and we had most deep and interesting impressions. Damascus is beautiful and the way leading here from Beirut is incomparable ...". 1 side card's margins and address on verso.

8. [1898] 20th November, Appony, Hungary. "I sent you a card from Jerusalem but I fear I put a wrong address ... their Maj's return on the 25 to Potsdam by land", the writer and others left the Hohenzollern at Beirut and took the Orient Express to stay "with a cousin of mine in Ungaria", on the "profit for our soul" at seeing the Holy Land "for my part I do not cling to the holy places ... but nature and scenery must be ... unchangeable", she begs EH to send "a detailed record" about her health, asking after her parents and whether the family has moved, "... Please do not think, that I lost my interest ...". 4 sides 8vo.

9. [c. 1898, December] Printed verse from Psalm 17:8 in decorative red and black, on verso '...I was in your hospital at Christmas & thought there so much of you - Prof. Ewald asked news - thank God I could give him good ones ...'. 2 sides card.

10. [1899], 12th November, 58 Portland Place, London. About EH joining Wilhelm II and Auwi or Oskar to lunch with the Queen at Windsor. 2 sides 8vo.

Together 10 items on 25 sides 8vo or card.

Fräulein Claire von Gersdorff
1. 1898, 26th June, [on the Hohenzollern, Kiel]. "What a blessing you are getting on well ... Yr journey" to England "must not have been quite agreeable - but you soon forget the disease of the moment", she talks of being with Countess Brockdorff and her family and visiting her family estate", adding "A pity you don't know Kiel" where the Empress was staying, she describes the naval scene including visiting "an English yacht belonging to a family Orr Ewing", other trips, and the young Princes' comings and goings, ending "Yours very affectionately". 4 sides 8vo.

2. 1898, 15th September. To EH in England, with news of the Court's travels and her anger at the assassination of Empress Elisabeth of Austria (10th September), "... we went to see her 3 weeks ago ... I hope that England and Switzerland will cease giving asyl[um] to those wicked people ...". 3 sides 8vo.

3. 1899, 24th October, Neues Palais. Sending the Empress's photograph [not present] with the latter's "great pleasure" and describing in turn how the Princes are growing and their physique, "Pr. Ad ... might be a little less stought ... I proved this ... in dancing with him most ardently" on the eve of the Empress's birthday, "- and he was heavy ... but he liked it intensely ...". First 4 sides 8vo.

4. 1899, 20th November, Windsor Castle. "You must come down to W." to see the Empress, "Prince Auwi & Oscar will be very glad to see you", as to when "I must know, when the Empress is free ...". 3 sides 8vo.

5. 1899, December. "... Our [New Year] wishes come from the heart". Printed card in red and black with quotation from Psalm 68. 2 sides card.

6. 1900, January. Commiserating on "this sad war" in South Africa, "why was it entered, - Gold - gold ... I just had music in my room Prince William [EH's note: son of Prince Albrecht of Prussia] ... now plays Fredric the Great's violin & the countess came & listened, sitting at my writing table. We drive in sledge every day ... had a snowball battle & made a snowman", and asking after EH's family. 4 side 8vo.

7. 1903, 8th November, Neues Palais. Long letter, she is "so much pleased with your presents ... the little vases are real little darlings ... What a pity we couldn't see you when you were in Europe in summer", and talking of Auwi and Oskar's confirmation, "Some weeks before I accompanied Her Majesty to Ploen" where the boys were at school, the Empress "wanted to see the princes in peace for some days, before they lay down their confession [statement of belief] ... I never saw boys whose manner of being pleased me more ... You know that they always have to 'formulieren' it themselves ... They are both not much smaller than baron Mirbach [Ernst, Freiherr von Mirbach, 1844-1925]", with other news of members of the Household, she has just come down "from the Spielsaal" and describes the circus with performing dogs put on for Joachim and Sissy, "Prince Adalbert is on the way to East Asia - I wish you could see him, - you would be pleased ..." 8 sides 8vo.

Together 7 items on 28 sides 8vo. or card.

Countess von Keller
1. 1900, 16th January, Dresden. About the Empress's visiting her mother, 15th - 16th January, very ill in Dresden, and asking if the Empress's Christmas gift of a fan has at last arrived, "I was very touched by what you wrote" about the South African War. Bearing some pencil calculations by EH. 4 sides 8vo.

2. 1900, 2nd February, Berlin Schloß. Conveying the Empress's "sweetest thanks for your sympathy" and detailing the Empress's journeys between Berlin and Dresden, her mother "the Duchess's" last hours and her quiet happy release on the 25th, and talking of the Duchess's family. 6 sides 8vo.

Together 2 items on 10 sides 8vo.

Emperor's Household:

General von Deines

1899, 16th October, Neues Palais. In German, asking EH kindly to sign a receipt for part of her salary when she was in hospital and to return it to him at Plön and giving news of the Princes at Kiel. 2 sides folio.

These are all parts of letters, many with passages struck through.

1. c. 1896. Asking [her mother] "if is possible" to send enough silk "to make a whole blouse ... You & Kit will grieve to hear my very best Sunday go to Meeting hat I may not wear like that ... It cost £1 4s ... I suppose Mab would not have it for £1? ... They say it makes me look too young! You see I am often all alone with all those officers & they are always on the 'Qui Vive' if I look the least girlish - Unluckily I was taken for 20 the other day ...". Part letter 2 sides 8vo.

2. c. 1896, 11th October, Neues Palais. To "My dearest Papa". EH is "very tired, but their Majesties return to night at 10.30 so I must sit up & shall try to write a letter meanwhile ... This climate is terrible for chills" and instances driving recently with Prince Oskar to Schloß Paritz, "a tiny Castle where old Frederic William III & the good Queen Luise lived", now Prince Henry's (the Emperor's brother's), both catching cold after "a burning hot afternoon" because the coachman lost his way back, she is in service most of every day because "the Governor is too ill ... the French master is gone for good, the climate ... too much for him", though "the English nurse has been here 6 years ...". First 4 sides 8vo.

3. 1896, no date. About a faux-pas with the collar on Edie's dress that she had altered, when woken late, to be pointed out by Prince Adalbert to his parents and attendants, and a long catalogue of insects to be avoided, some as big as a mouse. 2 sides and top half of next 2 sides.

4. 1897, 8th May, 'Saturday One o'clock [a.m.]'. EH feels "really distracted over clothes" and is "giving you such a cruel lot of worry ... I know you are so short of 'M.' Unluckily I have service this afternoon & cannot go & send you a P.O. ... We start today for Urville at 5.30. - A journey of 17 hours! ... First I saw F. v. Gersdorff who says I must have one or two light dresses - so I sent off my second telegram ... Yesterday suddenly came the lackey for my boxes ... They have over 500 trunks (of clothes!) ... I had only 5 minutes to speak to my maid" to pack "all my mourning clothes ... This minute comes F. von Hake in to tell me we are going into mourning for 8 days!!. I have no silk ... no black to travel in - And I have spent 6 Marks on sending you those telegrams ... I call it cruel of Miss Walton. Never never shall I attempt clothes from England. I really feel quite ill. I sat up late doing that grey dress ... Edd's [EH's sister Edie's] dress really looks nice ... The white dress too is a failure. Oh dear ...". First 4 sides 8vo.

5. 1897, 10th May, Urville. Thanking her mother "for the fearful bother & fatigue & all you have done over dresses ... Never shall I forget all I have gone through. But I hope never to allude to it again", instead she describes the magnificent appointments of the Royal Train ... We travelled ... each in our own coupé - meeting each other now & again", at dinner there were "about 25 gentlemen. and with Her Majesty & Princess Feodora", (1879-1945, Princess Charlotte's daughter), "there were 4 ladies ... It was all so merry", with anecdotes of happenings on the way, and going back to find the coupés turned into bedrooms, describing the pros and cons of the Chateau d'Urville, a killing walk across ploughed fields, a sudden invitation to meet Grand Duchess Louise of Baden at dinner and her dress-making at last "a success", part of her life is "very happy. But But But plenty of Buts", she had "great remorse" after sending her last letter, "But really you will never know how difficult dress is ...", and talking of her family and friends at home, does her sister Kit still take Steel for her bad head, "steel has cured me ...". First 8 sides 8vo.

6. 1897, 14th May, Urville. To "My darling Iree". EH is doing service with "the Princess", Viktoria Luise (1892-1980, later Duchess of Brunswick), and goes into the jealousies of the nursery establishment under Mrs .Matcham towards EH, and the lackey deliberately making EH late for the Sunday service in Metz Cathedral, "If you show fear in these quarters you are done for". First 4 sides 8vo.

7. 1897, c. end of May. "The Queen's birthday was kept quite quietly ... But I had plenty of callers & lovely flowers & early in the morning Her. Maj. ... took me driving alone ... in the afternoon Her. Maj asked me to call at the Lascelles [Sir Frank, British Ambassador] ... So I drove off ... but found they were in Berlin!", but today "had a really charming letter back ...". Part letter 2 sides 8vo.

8. c. 1897. [Probably to her father]. A very personal letter, inspired by a remarkable sermon by Dr. Dryander for soldiers, "'The fight of life'. Two things necessary Humility and Obedience. He can only get the first by being brought very low ... The 2nd seemed easy in the time of the Parade ... Oh I wish I could tell it you. I have never alluded to it before ... My life here is happy. Yours in Norfolk Rd. is unbearable", but begging him, "(I don't know how to explain it), if you entirely put away the future & only took one day - & just saw what you could do some how (I must put it) for God ...". Part letter 2 sides and a portion of 2 further sides 8vo.

Together 8 items on 30 sides or part sides 8vo.

(33, some bearing their most probable attribution, also 1 Fashion Plate)

Lively drawings of horses, nearly always galloping or jumping, including an amusing "Stop! Stop! Miss Hovart" as an officer attempts to catch up with her, a St. George and the Dragon, with, on the left, a good portrait drawing of Miss Howard head and shoulders, perhaps by another hand, a knight and his lady, Americans in a running battle with native Americans, the German army forcing the French to retreat, ancient soldiers in hand-to-hand sword fight, and a horse race signed 'T' (for 'Teasing', see Reprint p. 10), on white paper (4) or large brown wrapping paper (10).
Together 14 items.

Eitel Friedrich
On the verso of the wooden cover from a game 'Exercir Platz' ('Parade Ground'), an infantryman with a bayonet upwards from his helmet in place of a spike, in black, blue, red and white, signed 'Fritz', 12½" x 8½", a 3 others on paper.
Together 4 items.

1897, 20th November Message in a border, signed and dated, "fore a cumfored du not be Said" (EH: "When I was ill"), and two drawings, one with two steamships.
Together 3 items.

August Wilhelm
1896, 5th March. Large drawing in watercolours of a church and houses, a man fishing and a river boat.

1896, 28th September. Large printed text in German "Except the Lord build the house ..." with flowers in colour, signed and inscribed to 'Misse'.

1897, 19th June. Medieval soldier holding a flag.

No date. A romantic story in pictures, involving a king, queen and princess, a windmill, and a happy return.

No date. Allegorical drawing illustrating his belief that 'if there is a Temple there must be a Temple of Sorrow' (EH's note, and see Reprint p. 11)

No date. Another romantic story on very large paper.
Together 6 items on 10 sides.

1897, 1st November. "This is a camel. the burning sun & riding through the desert. He says he is not good at drawing camels!". "These two are drawn by Prince Oscar as I read to him ... The taking of Mexico. This is to represent the fight". (EH's notes, 3 sides Empress's telegraph forms), and two drawings of an elephant.
Together 5 items.

A good drawing of a German gnome, with his miner's hammer.
1 item.

Fashion Plate
1st May 1895. Headed in EH's hand 'Prince Wilhelm's lady ! ! !'.and showing a lady from behind, in a hat and long dress with cape shoulders, an elaborate high lace collar, and inserts between the shoulders and the lower half of the skirt laid out in decorated rectangles. From the 'Illustrirte Frauen-Zeitung', Plate 1114. Edges worn.

From the Empress to Miss Howard from Urville or Plön, Wiesbaden or Homburg, thanking her for good news about the children, sending good wishes on Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, reassuring her in hospital that the children's lessons are taken care of, and to Miss Howard back in London (7), from Countess Bassewitz (1) and Miss Hughes' mother (1), together 9 telegrams, 1897-1899.

Invitations, tickets, programmes and menus for special celebrations, especially royal anniversaries, most bearing the fine joint armorials of the Emperor and Empress, including Lunch on the 'Hohenzollern' pictured at sea, with some later when Miss Howard was in London, Kiautschou (China) and Tokyo. Notable is a very long list of guests to a gathering of German Naval Industrialists, organized by Herr Direktor H. Stahl of the Vulcan Works, Hamburg, and including Hermann Blohm, Members of the British Institution of Naval Architects (apparently 280, not separately named), several German royals, the British Ambassador and his suite, and many German military and naval personnel, with Miss Howard at the end of the list, 4 sides folio, Neues Palais, 12th June 1896. Together 20 items, 1896 - 1906.

Envelopes bearing on the flap "Dienst [service] Ihrer Majestät Der Kaiserin und Königin" (11) with the Kaiser's and her conjoint arms, blind embossed, similar gummed paper wafers in white and blue (14), "Neues Palais" (4) and "Schloß Urville" (1), most of the flaps now lightly gummed down, some a little dusty.


Exceptional Group Photograph by J. Reitmayer at Tegernsee, Christmas 1898, showing the 5 elder boys in Bavarian dress and signed below by them, also showing (back row, right of photograph) Princess Elisabeth (1876-1965, daughter of Karl Theodor, Duke in Bavaria, wife, 1900, of Albert I, 1875-1934, from 1909 King of the Belgians) and members of the household.

1. 1898, 14th May, Urville. Countess Brockdorff to EH in hospital, with vignette photographs of the royal children, the castle and church, and in the top centre a large group 'the Imperial Family', showing EH behind the Kaiser, wearing no hat.

2. 1899, 9th June. 'Many greetings from the Iduna', signed 'Cl. Gersdorff', 'Fritz', 'Adalbert', 'A.V.', and 'Wilhelm', showing the Artillery Training Ship 'Mars' and other vessels in the Kieler Bucht.

3. No date, St. Bartholomae, Berchtesgarten, Bavarian Alps. From Adalbert with news of the trip and love from the family.

4. 1903, New Year. From Eitel Friedrich, with a picture of a frozen waterscape.

5. 1905, 31st December. Portrait Postcard signed 'August William', showing him in uniform, to EH c/o Prince Shimadzu in Tokyo.

6. [1906]. Unsigned Portrait Postcard showing Prince Eitel Friedrich and his bride, Princess Sophie Charlotte of Oldenburg (1879-1964).

Taken in Bavaria and elsewhere, including a picture of Countess Brockdorff.

Hair Samples

Hair samples of Princes Adalbert, Auwi and Joachim, also of Princess Viktoria Luise (from Mrs Matcham, the head of the nursery, EH: I presume as a peace-offering!). Also some silver paper 'part of the Decoration on June 6th 1905' at a dinner for the Crown Prince's wedding.

Other Mementoes
1. 1872, 1st October, 16 Addison Road, Kensington.. A letter from William Riviere to his granddaughter Marion Howard, talking of the French origins of his family. 1 side 8vo.

2.1897, 8th May. Train itinerary Wildpark (Potsdam) to Urville. 1 side folio.

3. No date. Order of Service for Sundays and Holy Days at the Friedenskirche, Berlin. 4 sides 8vo.

4. 1879 [sic, ?for 1897] 7th June Envelope formerly containing 'a little rose and leaf' from a bouquet given to EH by the Emperor.

5. 1897, September. Leaf from a wreath placed on Frederick the Great's Tomb by the Emperor.

6. 1897. EH's Pass to all entrances of the Neues Palais.

7. 1916. Newspaper cuttings including a long article from the New York Times, 2nd July 1916, rather worn, about Miss Howard and her book 'Potsdam Princes'.

3 envelopes with stamps from Germany and Japan.

1. 1898, 4th September, Neues Palais. Letter from von Gontard conveying Prince Adalbert's gratitude and farewell and sending his own best wishes, following EH's letter of 23rd August. 4 sides 8vo.

2. No date, unsigned. 'So nimm denn meine Hände', 'So take my hand and lead me to my life's end and to eternity', poem of 24 lines [by Julie Haussmann (1826-1901)]. 2 sides 8vo.

3. No date, unsigned. 'Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu Dir', the first verse of Luther's hymn based on Psalm 130, 'Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord'. 1 side 4to.
With geometrical diagrams in pencil on the verso, proving that equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre.

4. c. 1900. Testimonial, unsigned, asking 'Wedel' to recommend Miss Howard most highly to Prince Shimadzu. Miss Howard was 'outstanding' with 'my Daughter'. 1 side folio.

Item Date:  1906

Stock No:  56132      £12500

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