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(José Joaquín de Montealegre, 1698-1771, Marqués de Salas, Secretary of State at Naples, 1738-1746, from 1740 Duque de Montealegre, from 1749 Ambassador to the Republic of Venice)
Fine Passport Signed with his Paraph
after his woodblock signature 'J Marq[ué]s de Salas', in Spanish with translation, on behalf of
Carlos III
(1716-1788, from 1759 King of Spain), as King of Naples, 1734-1759, saying that "Gaetano, Vicente, Paolo and Giovanna Rossi, Margarita & Isabella Ricci, all six of them Venetians, are leaving for Rome, and have shown and justified the good purpose that moves them to make this journey, praying that they may be granted a valid Passport for the safety of their persons, and freedom of passage ... Accordingly His Majesty ... commands all his Ministers and Officials of justice and of war, and, to those who are not, I ask and charge in his Royal Name, that they do not ... permit anyone to annoy or hinder them on their journey, but rather show all the favour necessary for them to carry it out", printed with manuscript additions, fine circular copper engraving of Salas's arms 2¾ inches diameter, 1 side folio, endorsed on conjugate leaf "Renewed 7th July at the instance of the Receiver for Malta", Portici, 21st June
Don José Joaquín de Montealegre, Duque de Montealegre, Marqués de Salas, Commendador of Oreja in the Order of Santiago and of Portezuelo in that of Calatrava, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Our Lord the King, Knight of his Royal Order of San Gennaro, his Counsellor of State, his Secretary of State, and of the Despatch of the affairs of State, War and the Navy.
In that Gaetano, Vicente, Paolo and Giovanna Rossi, Margarita & Isabella Ricci, all six of them Venetians, are leaving for Rome, and have shown and justified the good purpose that moves them to make this journey, praying that they may be granted a valid Passport for the safety of their persons, and freedom of passage, and our Lord the King has chosen to expedite it: Accordingly His Majesty ordains and commands all his Ministers and Officials of justice and of war, and, to those who are not, I ask and charge in his Royal Name, that they do not grant or permit anyone to annoy or hinder them on their journey, but rather show all the favour necessary for them to carry it out. Given in Portici, the 21st June 1743. [Woodblock Signature] J. Marqués de Salas [His paraph]
[Engraved Coat of Arms of Salas]
Valid for eight days.
[Conjugate leaf] Renewed the 7th July 1743 at the Instance of the Receiver for Malta.
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