COSTA Giovanni, 1826-1903, Italian Painter and Patriot) and Julia Constance FLETCHER (1853-1938, the American ex-patriate Writer 'George Fleming')

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Reiss, (Caroline, 1813 or 1814-1893, wife of Leopold Reiss, of Broom House, Eccles, merchant in Manchester), in Italian with translation, asking if Costa might have "the two pictures which I have had the honour to paint for Mr and Mrs Reiss, so as to exhibit them in company with others of mine for the whole of the month of June at the Fine Art Society", adding that if so, "one would also need to allow Miss Fletcher to come to your house ... since this lady, whom perhaps you will know as an author under the name of George Fleming, kindly wishes to write a popular review of my exhibition", he thanks her and "will come to pay my respects ... after the middle of May ...", with an Autograph Letter in the 3rd person from Miss Fletcher, saying "she called this afternoon, with Professor Costa of Rome, to enquire, (at the suggestion of Sir Frederic Leighton whose card [not present] she encloses)" and asking if Mr Reiss would kindly let her know when "(before four o'clock) she might call ... and will he be good enough to leave directions with the servant about showing the pictures? It is desirable that the catalogue may be completed without delay", 3 sides 8vo., Queen Anne's Mansions, S.W., 19th May 1882, Costa's letter 4 sides 8vo, Rome, 30th April (Translation)
Rome, 30th April 1882
2 San Martino [Via del] Mac<c>ao
Most Esteemed Mrs Reiss,
With this letter I am asking your ladyship to be so good as to let me have the two pictures which I have had the honour to paint for Mr and Mrs Reiss, so as to exhibit them in company with others of mine [Side 2] for the whole of the month of June at the Fine Art Society in a room I have taken for the purpose. But not only this: and if you would grant me this favour, one would also need to allow Miss Fletcher to come to your house and take note of the two little pictures; since this [Side 3] lady, whom perhaps you will know as a writer under the name of George Fleming, kindly wishes to write a popular review of my exhibition.
In the hope that you will grant me this favour, I thank you in anticipation and will come to pay my respects to you after the [Side 4] middle of May.
With every expression of esteem and respect, I subscribe myself Your Ladyship's
Most devoted Servant
Giovanni Costa

Giovanni Costa had fought in Garibaldi's Roman Legion in 1848, and in 1870 was the first to mount the breach in the assault on Rome near the Porta Pia. While in exile in Florence he fought for a return to the observation of nature, and his landscapes have a wonderful freshness and clarity.
The Reiss's London house was at 22 Prince's Gate, S.W. There is a fine portrait of Mrs Reiss by Millais at the Manchester Art Gallery. Leighton met Costa in Florence in 1853 and they became life-long friends. In 1877 in Italy Miss Fletcher had met and travelled with Oscar Wilde. Her best-selling Mirage (1878) is a barely concealed account of their mutual attraction and characters.

Item Date:  1882

Stock No:  56315      £275

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