EVANS (Josette, née Arbuthnot, wife, 1834, of Sir George de Lacy Evans, 1787-1870, General and M.P.)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Hussey, (Elizabeth, née Ley, wife of Robert Hussey, 1801-1856, Canon of Christ Church, Oxford), saying "My poor husband has gone through a great deal & I am most thankful he is far remov'd from that cold, comfortless Crimea, my last letters from him were from Malta dated the 4th and 2nd - he waited there for the English Packet from Alexandria to take him to Marseilles when I am to hear again and shall then go down to Folkestone where he wishes to pass a little time", in London she thinks "the excitement might be too much for him", his resignation, and Lord Raglan's "handsome acceptance" of it, she is "to shew ... to his Friends", so she has had them lithographed and sends a copy to Mrs Hussey [not present], "pray excuse this hasty scrawl, I have a good many notes to enquiring Friends ... the few days he had to pass at Malta had I am happy to say improv'd his health, the climate is so fine there", 4 sides 8vo, Bryanston Square, "Thursday Morng", no date but a few tiny closed splits in horizontal fold without loss

Sir de Lacy Evans had served with distinction in India, the Peninsula, the Anglo-American War and commanding the British Legion in the Spanish Civil War. As an M.P. he also campaigned for many radical causes, including the abolition of army purchase. In the Crimea he commanded the 2nd Division, and though wounded and weakened by illness, led his men fearlessly. Finally a fall from his horse put him in hospital, and he returned home in July 1855 to a hero's welcome.

Item Date:  1855

Stock No:  56317      £125

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