PRUNIER (Simone B., d. after 20 Nov 1985, French Restaurateur & Writer on Fish Cookery)

Typed Letter Signed to John M. Gwynne Hughes of Maidenhead, confirming "a table for 2 at the entrance of the restaurant on the left of the door" and that "a cheque ... will be quite in order", 1 side 8vo, Maison Prunier, printed heading "Huitres, Caviar, ... Poissons de Mer" for which the family was famous, 72 St James's Street, S.W.1., 28th March

Also listing 'In Paris ... 9 Rue Duphot', the restaurant opened in 1872 by her father Alfred (1848-1925), frequented by Oscar Wilde and Sarah Bernhardt, and his second at 16 Avenue Victor Hugo, frequented by Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway.

Item Date:  1960

Stock No:  56537      £75

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