Sophie Dupré - Political

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WALKER (Peter Edward, b.1932, M.P., from 1992 Baron)

Typed Letter Signed to A.J. Hall about the 70 m.p.h. speed limit and the fallibility of statistics, 1 side 4to., House of Commons, 15th December

Item Date:  1966
Stock No:  13462      £20

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WALPOLE (Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, 1st British Prime Minister), Thomas (‘Penny’) WINNINGTON (1696-1746, Politician, served at the Treasury from 1736) and Giles EARLE (circa 1678-1758, Lord of the Treasury, Colonel and M.P., Chairman of Committees of Elections 1727-1741, wit and boon companion of Walpole)

Fine Document signed by all three Commissioners, addressed to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury ordering that “you deliver and pay of such His Majesties Treasure as remains in your charge unto Sir Robert Walpole Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, George Dodington Esq, William Lord Sundon and Giles Earle Esq Commissioners for executing the Office of Treasurer of His Majesties Exchequer or their Assigns the sum of two thousand pounds without account for one quarter of a year due at Michaelmas 1737 on their Salary of eight thousand pounds a year and these together with their or their Assigns acquittance shall be your discharge therein...”, with a note ordering Sir Charles Turner to pay the Order, with the receipt signed by all three on the verso, witnessed by John Shepherd, no place, 3rd October

Item Date:  1737
Stock No:  42455      £575

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WALPOLE (Galfridus, 1683-1726, Naval Officer and Politicion, Joint Postmaster General)

Instruction document signed addressed to Charles Lockyer instructing him to "pay to Mr Edward Parsons my Dividend on £2542-4s-4d being all my Stock in the South Sea Company Books due at Xmas last and his Receipt shall be a sufficient discharge ....", 1 side oblong 4to., London, June

Item Date:  1722
Stock No:  39786      £350

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WALPOLE (Spencer Horatio, 1806-1898, M.P. for Cambridge University, Home Secretary)

Autograph Letter Signed to C.W. Simpson, saying his "English Essay on John of Gaunt has given sincere pleasure", especially from "the pains you have taken in examining the original sources", and wishing Simpson had been able "to trace more completely his exact relations to Wicliffe ... but I doubt whether that will be ever capable of explanation", 4 sides 8vo., Ealing, 19th March

Item Date:  1874
Stock No:  50682      £20

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WALPOLE (Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, 1st British Prime Minister)

Top Portion of a Document Signed by him on the verso, under a manuscript transfer note, saying "I Doe hereby assigne & transfer all my Right, title & Interest in the within order & the Tally thereto belonging with Interest due and to grow due thereupon unto the Governor and Company of the Bank of England ...", with a note below, "Reg[iste]red J Hay", the printed text on the recto is the beginning of an Order in virtue of the main annual tax Act, first passed in 1711, for duty on many goods and renewed annually, this time "Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of the Year One thousand Seven hundred and fifteen and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills and Lottery Tickers, lost, burnt or destroy'd ...", 1 side oblong 8vo., Pay Office, Horse Guards, 30th September

Item Date:  1715
Stock No:  34619      £375

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