POZZO DI BORGO (Carlo Andrea, 1764-1842, Corsican-born Diplomat, Russian Ambassador to London 1834-1839)

Autograph letter in French with translation, signed, to a Knight or Baronet, ('M. Le Chevalier'), replying to his letter of the 30th, "about making a gift to the Emperor of an Arab Horse belonging to you, as a token of your devotion to His Imperial Majesty", Nikolai I, regretting that he "would not be able to accept this gift ... without being expressly authorized to do so", 1 side 4to. gilt-edged and conjugate blank, Ashburnham House, 3rd September

Initially close to the Bonaparte family in Corsica, Pozzo opposed Napoleon's wholesale takeover of the island in 1796 and had to flee. He found a home in diplomatic circles behind the scenes in London, Vienna and St. Petersburg, endeavouring to unite Napoleon's enemies against him, and detaching Bernadotte in Sweden from his old master. He represented Russia at Paris in 1814 and at the Congresses of Vienna and Verona. Labouring hard to reduce the burdens placed on France by the allies, he had considerable influence in easing relations between France and Russia under Louis XVIII and Louis Philippe, but as a moderate he disliked Charles X. His appointment by Nikolai I to London was partly to prevent him becoming too favourable towards France, and he afterwards retired to Paris.

Item Date:  1838

Stock No:  14404      £75

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