Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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FITZGEORGE (Rear-Admiral Sir Adolphus Augustus Frederick, 1846-1922, second son of FM Prince George, 1819-1904, Duke of Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Sub-Dean', Canon J. Edgar Sheppard, (1845-1921, Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal 1884-1917), saying "The Queen (who received them from Strelitz) sent a bundle of letters to me this morning. I found the enclosed & think you may like to have them", 1 side 8vo, 20 Eccleston Square, S.W.1., 13th December

Item Date:  1920
Stock No:  53850      £35

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FITZHERBERT (Mrs. Maria Anne, née Smythe, 1756-1837, clandestine wife, 1785, of George IV)

Fine Autograph letter Signed to Miss Boyle saying that she is “happy to be able to offer you a place in my Box for the Opera tomorrow Night. I will if agreeable to you send my carriage for you a little before eight o’clock & come take me up as you perhaps wd not liking going there alone - I regret I was not able to have the pleasure of yr company last night...”, 1 side 8vo., no place, no date, Friday, lacking bottom left hand corner without loss of text

Item Date:  183
Stock No:  39498      £425

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FRANCIS (1st Duke of Teck, 1837-1900, father of Queen Mary)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Gino', congratulating him on his engagement and for "announcing the happy event to yr. old Friends who however far and distant take great interest in all that concerns their Friends in the fair South", he passes over "anything that at present, may mar or be a discord in yr. happiness. Most likely it will all come right in the end", he heard of "your engagement to Miss Bailey through Mrs Palmer", he explains that "For about 6 weeks I was very suffering with
Lumbago & rheumatism ... could not even write. My going to the Drawing room before I was well enough, made it even worse", they are "going to Sandringham this week" and then will "settle in London for the rest of the Season. Politics run high & upset ones digestion. I wish superannuated Gladstone wld. leave to others, the task of benefiting any of H.M.'s subjects", embossed crowned 'FT', 4 sides 8vo black edged, White Lodge, Richmond Park, 19th April
a little browned without loss

Item Date:  1886
Stock No:  54002      £165

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FRANCIS (1st Duke of Teck, 1837-1900, father of Queen Mary)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Gino', saying "I cannot tell how terribly we felt your dear Sister's death ... What a shock ... we can well measure by what it was to us", recalling seeing her "once more, at Cannes ... It was most kind & good of you, to have at once thought of us, her true friends ... We return to England on the 2d. of July, our long stay on the Continent ... has done our Daughter a World of good", and sending "my kindest regards to Mrs Light and my love, to the I Cedri", embossed crowned 'FT', 4 sides 8vo black edged, Ludwigsburg, Württemberg, 21st June closed tears in horizontal folds without loss

Item Date:  1892
Stock No:  54005      £165

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FRANCIS (1st Duke of Teck, 1837-1900, father of Queen Mary)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Johnasson' [sic], expressing his "very best thanks" for "Mr. S. Liddle's song, which we shall try, if not to sing, to play on the Piano", and for "the Dinner ... and the charming evening", 2 sides 8vo, White Lodge, Richmond Park, 28th June

Item Date:  1896
Stock No:  54006      £95

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